Why in the News?

  • The Smart Cities Mission (SCM) has been extended by the Centre till March 31, 2025.
  • Originally launched in June 2015, the SCM aimed to develop 100 cities as smart cities through a competitive selection process.
Source: Learning

Mission Overview

  • The SCM focuses on developing model areas within selected cities based on an area development plan.
  • The goal is to create a positive impact on other parts of the city and nearby towns through these model areas.
Smart Cities Mission (SCM)

Launch and Objective:

  • Initiated on June 25, 2015, to promote cities with core infrastructure and a clean, sustainable environment.

City Selection:

  • 100 cities were chosen through a two-stage competition in rounds from 2016 to 2018.
  • Each city has five years from selection to complete the projects.

Scheme Details:

  • A Centrally Sponsored Scheme under the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA).
  • The Central Government provides financial support of ₹48,000 crores over five years (₹100 crore per city per year).
  • States and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) match the Central Government’s contribution.

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