Explain in detail the constitutional provisions of Citizenship in India


India allows single citizenship which means the person belongs to only sovereign India irrespective of the state in which they reside or taken birth. President is the First Citizen of India. In the constitution provisions related to the citizenship are in part II. Articles 5 to 11 deals with citizenship.


Citizenship acquisition:

1) By birth: Persons born in India on or after Jan 26, 1950 to Jun 30 1987. But after July 1, 1987 person is citizen by birth if either of their parents are citizens of India

2) By descent: Person born outside India can be citizen of India if one of their parent is citizen of India.

3) By registration: Citizenship can be acquired by registration for following 5 categories of people.

4) By naturalization: On satisfying certain conditions like non-citizenship of other countries, good character, adequate knowledge of language etc among others a person can apply for citizenship by naturalization.

5) By incorporation of territory: If any new territory is acquired by India, then by the order of Government of India, the people in that region will be acquiring the citizenship of India.

Articles in constitution related to citizenship:

Article 5 Citizenship at the commencement of Constitution
Article 6 Rights of Citizenship of certain persons who migrated to India from Pakistan
Article 7 Migrants to Pakistan
Article 8 Persons of Indian origin residing in other countries
Article 9 Persons acquiring citizenship of other country
Article 10 Continuance of Rights of citizenship
Article 11 Power of Parliament to regulate


Citizenship will be cancelled by renunciation, by termination or by deprivation. The acts also provide for safeguarding the procedures related to the citizenship. Amendments have been made suitably over a period of time to the acts like Citizenship act 1955, Citizenship amendment bill 2019.