Exercise Ekatha

News: In the Maldives for the sixth iteration of Exercise Ekatha are Marine Commandos and divers from the Indian Navy.

Every year, the warships of India and the Maldives perform Exercise Ekatha.

The goal is to improve interoperability in special operations and diving.

The Maldives are strategically significant for India because of their placement at the crossroads of trade maritime routes through the Indian Ocean, especially in light of China’s escalating assertiveness in the area.

After the Maldives gained their independence in 1965, India was one of the first nations to acknowledge them and establish diplomatic ties with them.

Maldives opened a full High Commission in New Delhi in November 2004, at the time one of its only four diplomatic representations globally. India established its mission at the level of CDA in 1972 and resident High Commissioner in 1980.

A commercial pact between India and the Maldives was formed in 1981 and allows for the export of necessities.

Security and defence have been India and the Maldives’ main areas of cooperation since 1988.

India meets over 70% of the Maldivian National Defence Force’s (MNDF) needs for defence training and offers the most training possibilities.

The two nations also agreed to a comprehensive action plan in 2016 to strengthen their defence partnership