Why in the news?

Multinational corporations, including German giants like Volkswagen (VW), Apple, and BASF, typically resort to outright denial or attempts to distance themselves from human rights violation allegations found in their Chinese supply chains.


About Stringency of the Uyghur Forced Labour Prevention Act (UFLPA):

  • UFLPA targets human rights violations in Xinjiang by domestic firms.
  • Presumes products from Xinjiang involve forced labor.
  • Public companies must certify product freedom from Xinjiang forced labor to the SEC.
  • Similar concerns raised regarding the UFLPA as with the Dodd-Frank Act.
About EU (European Union)

●   Comprises 27 countries for economic and political unity.

●   The United Kingdom (UK) officially exited the EU on January 31, 2020.

●   19 countries use the euro; 8 have different currencies.

●   Originated post-WWII for European peace and unity.

●   Internal single market with standardized laws.


●   Promote peace, citizen well-being, and values.

●   Ensure freedom, security, and justice without internal borders.

●   Achieve sustainable development, economic growth, and social progress; combat social exclusion; promote technology; respect diversity.