Why in the News?

  • ASER report indicates ,more than half (56.7%) of rural adolescents aged 14-18 struggle with simple three-digit division, a skill typically taught in Class 3-4.
  • This reveals a significant numeracy deficit among teens on the verge of entering the job market.
Source: TH

About ASER Report 2023 findings:

  • Reading Proficiency: Post Class 10, 26.5% of teens can’t read a Class 2-level textbook in their regional language.
  • Arithmetic Challenge: More than 45% struggle to calculate hours of a child’s sleep based on bedtime and waking up time.
  • Gender Disparities: Boys outperform girls in basic skills tasks, revealing foundational education gender gaps.
  • Enrolment Amid Pandemic: Despite pandemic concerns, 86.8% of 14-18-year-olds are in schools, underscoring the need for enhanced foundational learning.
About Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) Report

·    Initiated in 2005, ASER is a Household-based survey conducted annually for a decade.

·    Methodology:

o    Not school-based.

o    Rural focus, excludes urban areas.

o    Inclusive of all children, irrespective of school attendance or type.

o    Collects schooling status for ages 3-16.

o    Tests basic reading and arithmetic for ages 5-16.

·    Conducting Body: ASER tools and procedures designed by ASER Centre, affiliated with Pratham, a major NGO in education.