Doha Political Declaration On LDC

News: The Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries recently ended with the adoption of the Doha Political Declaration by state leaders (LDC5).

A significant result of the second day of the LDC5 meeting, which was held in Qatar with the subject “From Potential to Prosperity,” was the Doha Political Declaration.

The Doha Programme of Action (DPoA) was warmly embraced, and the declaration vowed steadfastly to see that it was carried out during the following ten years.

The proclamation also urged the UN Secretary-General to make sure that the whole UN system is fully mobilised and coordinated to support the coordinated execution of the Doha Plan of Action.

The LDC5 conference’s first session, held in New York, saw the adoption of the Doha Plan of Action for the Least Developed Countries.

It is a 10-year strategy to get the world’s 46 most vulnerable nations back on track to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, which are imposed by the UN (SDG).

The DPoA (2022–2031) had six main target areas: reducing poverty; utilising the potential of science and technology; tackling climate change; environmental degradation; recovering from the COVID–19 pandemic; and Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

These are low-income nations that must deal with serious structural barriers to sustainable development.

They are extremely susceptible to shocks in the economy and environment.

The list of LDCs maintained by the UN currently includes 46 nations.

Africa (33), Asia (9), Haiti in the Caribbean (1), Kiribati, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu in the Pacific (3).