Discuss briefly the ‘Right to Freedom of Religion’ in accordance with the articles of Indian constitution.


Indian constitution provides rights to its citizens. Right to freedom of religion is also one such basic right. It is mentioned in the articles 25 through 28. It enables citizens to practice their own religion and also change their religion according to their wish. 


Our country is a secular country and hence practicing the religion is the core aspect of secularism. In other words, secularism also refers to that the state does not support any religion over others on its behalf.

Meanings of these articles:

Article 25- Right to practice and profess religion of their own choice

Article 26- Managing own religious affairs such that others are not adversely affected

Article 27- Promotion of religion is not taxed

Article 28- No religious instructions are provided under the educational institutions of the State.


Under Indian constitution, citizens of India are safeguarded to practice, promote their own religion such that there are no legal complications. Courts also safeguard this right. In some benchmark judgements there are also instances where in the courts have asked to stop mandated religious promotions. The sanctity of the motives are considered in such judgements.