Discuss briefly the major factors affecting the climate of India.


Indian climate by itself is a diverse climate. Even though lies in the northern hemisphere, the Himalayas separate India from other northern cold countries. Indian climate can be called as tropical monsoon. The major feature of this climate is a very distinct wet and dry climate.


The major factors affecting India’s climate:

1) The Himalayas:

It protects India from cold winds. It is also birth place of major rivers. It divides monsoon into 2 branches. They act as natural barriers for South West monsoon winds and divert it.

2) Distance from the sea:

Coastal regions get the monsson rainfall first. Thus, the ghats in this region get good amount of rainfall. As the distance goes on increasing, the rainfall gets reduced.

3) Latitudinal Position:

India lies in the tropic of cancer region. In most of the South India moderate temperatures are recorded. In winter, very low temperatures are recorded in and around Himalayas

4) Monsoon Winds:

The reversal of monsoon winds brings wide changes in the climate of India. The summer turns into rainy season due to onset of monsoon. Places receive high rainfall due to the impact of sudden monsoon outburst.

5) Physiography:

The rain-shadow area of India is due to leeward rainfall and arid climate. They receive very low rainfall and thus agriculture is difficult in such areas.


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