Why in the News?

  • The fertiliser industry advocates for deregulating non-subsidised fertilisers as a preliminary step before addressing politically sensitive urea and Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS).
  • Water-soluble fertilisers serve as a model for successful deregulation efforts.
Source: HT

About Water-soluble fertilizers:

  • Water-soluble fertilizers dissolve easily in water, allowing nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to be quickly absorbed by plants through their roots.
  • They are often used in hydroponic systems, greenhouse cultivation, and for foliar applications in agriculture.
  • Despite higher costs, WSFs show greater nutrient utilization efficiency, especially for high-value crops.
NBS Fertilizer Subsidy Program:

  • Under NBS, farmers receive subsidized fertilizers based on nutrient content (N, P, K & S).
  • Additional subsidies are provided for fortified fertilizers containing micronutrients like molybdenum and zinc.
  • Government announces annual subsidies for P&K fertilizers, considering global and local prices, exchange rates, and national inventory.
  • Objective: Promote balanced NPK fertilization (N:P:K= 4:2:1) to enhance soil health and crop yields.
  • Expected Outcome: Increased agricultural productivity leading to higher farmer incomes.

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