Delhi’s 21-Point Winter Plan to Combat Air Pollution

Why in the news? 

Delhi government launched a comprehensive 21-point Winter Action Plan to address severe air pollution during winter months, focusing on real-time monitoring, emergency measures, and public involvement.

Factors Contributing to Pollution in Delhi NCR

Winter Action Plan: Key Measures:

  • The Delhi government launched a 21-point Winter Action Plan to tackle air pollution, focusing on real-time monitoring, public participation, and emergency measures.
  • Measures include using drones to monitor pollution hot spots, deploying special task forces, and introducing emergency actions like artificial rain and vehicle rationing.
  • Public involvement campaigns such as e-vehicle parades, anti-pollution marches, and the #HaritRatna award to recognize contributions in combating pollution.

Pollution Control Initiatives:

  • The plan includes the deployment of 523 teams to inspect construction sites and 85 road-sweeping machines with 500 water sprinkling units.
  • Monitoring industrial emissions, stubble burning, and vehicular pollution are emphasised, with 360 teams checking Pollution Under Control certificates.
  • The odd-even vehicle scheme and work-from-home encouragement may be enforced during pollution spikes.

Other Key Actions:

  • Strict implementation of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) and a total ban on firecrackers.
  • Introduction of a Green War Room, e-waste eco park, and plantation drives to increase green cover.
  • Coordinating efforts with neighbouring states and exploring voluntary restrictions on private vehicle use during high pollution periods.

About Delhi’s Winter Action Plan: Key Components

  • Real-Time Drone Surveys: Drones will monitor pollution hotspots and provide real-time data.
  • Special Task Force: Established to oversee the plan’s implementation.
  • Pollution Control Measures: Targets vehicular and dust pollution, stubble burning, industrial emissions, and garbage burning.
  • Work-from-Home Policy: Encourages remote work to reduce vehicular emissions.
  • Emergency Measures: Odd-even vehicle rationing and artificial rain.
  • Harit Ratna Award: Recognizes eco-friendly contributions.

Causes of Winter Pollution

  • Stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana.
  • Vehicle emissions, especially PM 2.5.
  • Wind direction carrying pollutants into Delhi.
  • Dry, still air prevents pollutant dispersion.
  • Temperature inversion trapping pollutants.

Dust storms, firecrackers, and biomass burning.

Sources Referred:

PIB, The Hindu, Indian Express, Hindustan Times