
  • GS 2: Role of civil services in democracy

Why in the News?

The lateral entry, which is designed to bring in new talent from outside to join India’s government jobs, has recently faced challenges due to political issues and discussions about reservation policies.

Source: GOI


  • India’s plan to bring in experts from outside to improve the government’s management has been put on hold because of political reasons and disagreements among different groups.
  • Facing important issues that need to be solved and needing better government, it’s important to reconsider this plan, making sure it includes talented people from all backgrounds to create a fair and effective public service.
Lateral Entry in Governance


  • Bring in new talent and fresh expertise, thereby injecting a more professional approach to governance, improving the quality of policy-making, and overall efficiency of the government.

Committees’ Recommendations

  • Surinder Nath Committee, 2003: Recommended assimilation of specialists in government jobs.
  • Hota Committee, 2004: Lateral entry was suggested to draw new expertise.
  • Second ARC, 2008: Reforms inducting outside professionals were recommended.
  • NITI Aayog Action Agenda, 2017-2020: Recommended induction of skilled personnel at middle and senior levels to make policy formulation robust.

Positive Implications

  • Higher Efficiency: Private sector talent can increase the efficiency of the government.
  • Incentivising Competition: Forces civil servants to strive for better performance.
  • NITI Aayog’s experience has already proved to be effective.
  • Specialized Knowledge: Specialists are brought in to solve complex administrative problems.
  • Cultural Change: Is a harbinger of change toward a less bureaucratic, performance-based work culture.
  • Inclusive Governance: Seeks to bring in skills and expertise not merely from the private sector but even from voluntary organizations.

Negative Implications

  • Inadequate provisions for reservation may affect underrepresented groups.
  • Private sector connections can lead to possible ethical dilemmas.
  • Transition Challenges: The public service mindset is difficult to get used to.
  • Lack of Experience: Outside professionals have less field experience.
  • Performance Measurement: The effectiveness in complex roles is difficult to measure.
  • Adaptation Issues: Adapting to the existing systems and processes, tough.

Challenges of governance reform in India

Political challenges

  • Lack of majority: The failure of the BJP to secure a parliamentary majority has made decision-making difficult.
  • Weak leadership: Lack of trust in the prime minister hinders bold change.
  • Short-term focus: The Congress-led opposition has prioritized electoral gains over long-term growth.

Impact of Reforms

  • Backward entry halted: Plans to bring new talent into the workforce have been halted.
  • Future-minded: Reviving these changes will require a strong and visionary leader.

The need for governance reform

Consensus of leadership

  • Many leaders from different political backgrounds privately acknowledge the need for radical governance reform.
  • Lateral entry systems is seen as an integral part of these developments.

Implementation issues

  • Leaders believe that quotas should not be added to keep the system running smoothly.
  • However, because of the focus on electoral success and debates about “social justice,” support for such reforms is limited.

Withdrawal of scheme

  • The government immediately withdrew the scheme, highlighting the impact of electoral priorities on changes in governance.

Political contradictions and policy contradictions

Challenges of governance

  • The current government seems weak and unstable even before completing 100 days.
  • Coalition partners are quick to change their decisions in the face of small talks.

The contradictory position of Congress

  • The Congress has focused on caste-based politics to regain lost support, especially in North India.
  • Despite condemning the lateral entry scheme as “privatization of IAS”, Congress leaders forget that former party leaders also invited non-IAS talent to government functions.
  • While the Congress supported the Bharat Bandh against the Supreme Court judgment on sub-classification of SC/ST quotas, Karnataka Congress chief Siddaramaiah hailed it as “historic”.

The need for Lateral entry into Indian governance

Importance of Professionals

  • India needs a skilled workforce that beyond traditional employment, especially for middle and senior level roles.
  • External expertise can fill and fill huge gaps in governance

Competence Over Caste in Governance

Impact of Competence in Key Sectors

  • Highly efficient and committed officers in the education, health, and employment sectors can serve the cause of social and economic justice more effectively.
  • In every sphere, from the dispensation of justice to research in science, competence is demanded, not by caste, but by capability.
  • Upholding Holistic Development initialize effective governance, which is a precondition for holistic societal development and, in particular, development among the underprivileged groups in society.

The Importance of Experts in Managing Government Affairs

Challenges in Today’s World

  • As issues in development and government become more complex, there is a greater need for experts with specific skills, rather than generalist government officers who have less responsibility.

Shortage of Experts in Traditional Government Jobs

  • The usual way of hiring for government jobs does not provide enough experts for these complex tasks.

Using Skills from Outside the Government

  • India has many capable professionals in private companies, universities, research centers, and other places who are willing to help with national development.

Ending the Control of Certain Officers

  • Government jobs should not only be for IAS or IFS officers, who sometimes do not welcome outsiders.
  • It is important to use the skills of these external experts to improve how the government works.

Reservations are also considered in side entry

Wrong argument about reservations

  • Some argue for a category entry with strict adherence to SC, ST, ST, reservation. This undermines the purpose of change.

Rahul Gandhi’s misleading question

  • Rahul Gandhi questioned the number of officers based on the quota among the secretaries, missing the real motivation for socio-economic justice.

Focus on skills and governance

  • The real question is whether marginalized communities benefit more from minority quota beneficiaries or fairer and more efficient regimes.

The argument adopted by quota advocates

  • Proponents of quotas have dominated arguments on the sidelines, ignoring broader demands for inclusive, high-quality governance.

Learning from International practices

Global models in public service

  • Many developed and developing countries use professionals from various sectors in the public service.
  • Countries like the U.S. and China often include experts from universities and the private sector in their government roles.

The need for efficiency and variety

  • Ensuring governance diversity is crucial for social justice and economic democracy.
  • However, ignoring the requirement of competence in public service hinders the achievement of these goals.

The need for a balanced approach

  • It is important to balance the need for variety with the need for skill and commitment.
  • Focusing solely on representation without consideration of power can undermine effective governance and inclusive development.

Making Lateral Entry Socially Representative

Building Competencies

  • Accelerate efforts to enhance capabilities in professionals from underrepresented sections of society.
  • Implement major reforms in universities to improve requirements, reaping rewards SCs, STs, OBCs, and different communities.

Private Sector’s Role

  • Encourage private groups to provide growth opportunities to talented individuals from those groups.

Virtues in Public Service

  • Government service requires individuals to go beyond their caste and spiritual identities.
  • Embrace a unique identity as public servants, devoted to serving all Indians without discrimination.


If effective governance is to be attained in India, then increasing competence and dedication through the lateral entry scheme must accompany the quota system. Reforms have to be directed at higher education and opportunity for underrepresented communities.

Source:Indian Express

Mains Practice Question:

Analyse the challenges and benefits of integrating lateral entry professionals within India’s administrative system and the potential implications for social justice and governance.

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