Why in the News?

A massive protest at Jantar Mantar calling for the abolition of bonded labour, distribution of land to the landless, and stringent punishment for those assaulting Dalit women.

Concerns Over Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA):

  • Budget cuts in MGNREGA negatively impacted landless farmers.
  • Reduced workdays and delaying payments,

Demands for Systemic Improvements:

  • Improve the condition of Dalits,
  • Free and high-quality education,
  • Identification of areas prone to Dalit atrocities with increased security measures, and
  • Establishment of special fast-track courts to address cases of violence against the Dalit community.
  • Alternative work for manual scavengers.

About Bonded Labour:

  • Bonded labour involves employers providing high-interest loans to workers who, in turn, work at low wages to repay the debt.
  • The Supreme Court of India interprets bonded labour as wages below prevailing market and legal minimum wages.

Legal Framework and Constitutional Prohibition:

  • The Constitution of India, under Article 23 (Fundamental Rights), prohibits forced labour.

Legislative Measures:

Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1976:

  • Aims to abolish bonded labour.
  • Implemented by state governments but applicable Nationwide.
  • Empowers State Governments/UTs to confer judicial magistrate powers for the trial of offences under this Act on an Executive Magistrate.

Rehabilitation Scheme (2016):

  • The Central Sector Scheme for Rehabilitation of Bonded Labourers offers financial assistance of Rs. 3 lakhs to released bonded labourers.