Daily News Analysis.

1. Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) Framework:

News: An effective combined trip with ocean scientists from India, Bangladesh, and Mauritius was planned and carried out under the auspices of the Colombo Security Conclave (CSC).

The expedition aboard the ORV Sagar Nidhi was the first of its kind within the CSC framework. Its goal was to improve ocean observation and data collection in order to forecast and manage changes in the regional environment of the Indian Ocean as well as to foster collaboration in measuring and modelling ocean parameters for better forecasting and services in the area.

The execution of the “CSC Focused Operation” is a prime example of the close cooperation and dedication of Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and India in advancing regional security and peace. With the goal of maintaining safety and security for commercial ships, international trade, and the performance of legal maritime activities, CSC Focused Operation is being carried out in this crucial area of the Indian Ocean Region.

Focused Operation would make it easier to institute measures to deter and combat transnational crimes in the area by fostering mutual understanding and interoperability between the leading maritime security organizations. By exchanging information and carrying out coordinated activities to handle maritime incidents/accidents, it would further improve operational synergy.

The execution of the “CSC Focused Operation” is a prime example of the close cooperation and dedication of Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and India in advancing regional security and peace.

The CSC focuses on five pillars that will strengthen and improve regional security:

  1. Maritime Security and Safety
  2. Countering Radicalization and Terrorism
  3. Combating Transnational Organised Crime and Human Trafficking
  4. Cybersecurity and the Defence of Critical Technology and Infrastructure
  5. Disaster relief and humanitarian aid

It represents India’s outreach to the Indian Ocean and emphasises regional collaboration and shared security goals (in line with India’s “SAGAR” vision). It also seeks to lessen China’s presence in member nations and counteract its influence in the area.

Conclave on Security in Colombo:

  • It is a trilateral maritime security alliance made up of India, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives that was established in 2011. Bangladesh and Seychelles participated as observers with invites to join the organization, while Mauritius is the fourth member.
  • With the goal of maintaining safety and security for commercial ships, international trade, and the performance of legal maritime activities, CSC Focused Operation is being carried out in this crucial area of the Indian Ocean Region.
  • Focused Operation would make it easier to institute measures to deter and combat transnational crimes in the area by fostering mutual understanding and interoperability between the leading maritime security organizations.
  • By exchanging information and carrying out coordinated activities to handle maritime incidents/accidents, it would further improve operational synergy.

2. The State Of Climate In Asia 2022 : World Meteorological Organization Report

News: Asia is the world’s most disaster-prone region, according to the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) State of climate in Asia 2022 study.

It was one of a number of regional State of the Climate reports produced by the WMO, and it was presented during a meeting of the ESCAP Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction.

One of the five regional commissions under the control of the UN Economic and Social Council is UN ESCAP, which has its headquarters in Bangkok and was established in 1947.

Report highlights include:

  1. In Asia in 2022, 81 weather-, climate-, and water-related disasters directly impacted more than 50 million people.
  2. In the area, there were fewer disasters than in 2021 (more than 100 natural hazards).
  3. But in 2022, the consequences of such catastrophes were far more severe, with an increase in the number of fatalities, persons affected, and financial harm.
  4. Pakistan accounted for 42% of the damage’s economic impact, which totaled more than $36 billion.

World Meteorological Organization:

  • 193 Member States and Territories make up the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), an intergovernmental organization. Its origins were laid at the 1873 Vienna International Meteorological Congress, which gave rise to the International Meteorological Organisation (IMO).
  • WMO was founded on March 23, 1950, when the WMO Convention was ratified, and a year later it was designated as the United Nations’ specialist organisation for meteorology (weather and climate), operational hydrology, and associated geophysical sciences.
  • The Secretary-General is in charge of the Secretariat, which has its headquarters in Geneva. The World Meteorological Congress is its top body.

3. Fast Radio Bursts : Study

News: Using the Green Bank Telescope in the United States and the Parkes Observatory in Australia, a group of astronomers from around the world examined the Fast Radio Burst (FRB) 20190520B, which was recurring. The report was printed in the Science journal.

Fast Radio Bursts:

They are enigmatic radio light (or radio wave) discharges that originate in the remote reaches of the cosmos. Far-off galaxies send FRBs to Earth, which radiate as much energy in a millisecond as the sun does over the course of weeks.

The brightest radio blasts ever observed in nature are these. Large radio telescopes have allowed astronomers to briefly “see” FRBs, but their specific origins and causes remain a mystery. While some FRBs are repeaters that flash the earth sporadically, others are ‘one-off’ events.

Key Findings of the Study:

  1. The recurring FRB 20190520B’s Faraday rotation was found to be highly erratic and to have twice reversed direction.
  2. This measurement serves as a gauge for the magnetic field strength of the FRB.
  3. The researchers came to the conclusion that the FRB source is probably orbiting a binary star system, with the partner star possibly being a big star or a black hole. This was made possible by the change in the magnetic field strength of the FRB and the direction of the reversal.
  4. As a result, it was suggested that “all repeating FRBs could be in binaries.” To verify this idea, additional observation and study are needed.
  5. It is possible that a turbulent magnetized plasma environment may be present based on the observed variations in the magnetic field and electron density in the vicinity of the FRB source.
  6. The behavior of the FRB signals is probably influenced by this environment.
  7. The work highlights the value of cutting-edge radio telescopes for examining FRBs and other extragalactic phenomena.
  8. These telescopes, like the Deep Synoptic Array-110 and the Very Large Array, enable accurate localization of FRBs and offer useful information for comprehending their sources and features.
  9. The study places a strong emphasis on how radio astronomy contributes to comprehending the cosmos and solving cosmic mysteries.

4. Digital Payment Index : RBI

News: According to the Reserve Bank of India’s Digital Payments Index (RBI-DPI), digital payments increased nationwide by 13.24% from March 2018 to March 2023.

The RBI has created the Digital Payment Index to assess the degree of national payment digitization. It is based on a number of factors and accurately reflects the expansion of different digital payment methods. It is the first index of its type to assess how widely accepted digital payments are in the nation. It has five major metrics that track the adoption and depth of digital payments in the nation over various time frames.

Payment facilitators (Internet, mobile, Aadhaar, bank accounts, participants, merchants) are weighted at 25%. Demand-side variables (such as debit and credit cards, PPIs, customers enrolled in mobile and online banking, and FASTags) account for 10% of the payment infrastructure.

Payment Performance – weight 45% (Digital Payment Volumes, Value, Unique Users, Paper Clearing, Currency in Circulation, Cash Withdrawals), Payment Infrastructure – weight 15% (Supply-Side Factors) (Bank Branches, BCs, ATMs, PoS Terminals, QR Codes, Intermediaries), and Consumer Centricity weight 5% (Awareness and Education, Declines, Complaints, Frauds, System Downtime).

Functions of RBI:

  • Monetary management/ Authority
  • Supervision and regulation of banking and Non-banking financial institution
  • Regulation of foreign exchange market, government securities market and money market
  • Foreign exchange reserve management
  • Bankers to central and state government
  • Advisor to the government
  • Central and state government’s debt manager
  • Bankers to banks
  • Lender of last resort
  • Issuer of currency
  • Developmental role: priority sector lending
  • Data dissemination and policy research

5. Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam 2023: Under PM SHRI Scheme

News: At the ceremony, the prime minister will inaugurate the PM SHRI Scheme and give the first installment of funding for the Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam 2023.

The Centrally Sponsored Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India (PM-SHRI) Scheme was introduced in 2022. The goal is to reinforce selected current schools that are overseen by the Central Government, State Government, UT Government, or local entities in order to build more than 14500 schools across the nation.

The program will run from 2022–2023 to 2026–2027, after which it will be up to the States/UTs to maintain the standards that these schools have reached. The chosen schools will serve as role models, displaying every aspect of the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP), and serving as mentors to other schools nearby.

The PM SHRI Schools will be created as “Green Schools,” embracing elements that are good to the environment. The learning objectives for every student in every grade will be the main focus.

Assessments at all levels will be competency-based, based on conceptual comprehension and knowledge application to actual circumstances. Linkages with sector skill councils and local business will be investigated in order to improve employability and present better work prospects.

The key performance indicators to be used to monitor outcomes are being created as part of the School Quality Assessment Framework (SQAF). To guarantee the desired standards, these institutions will undergo quality evaluations on a regular basis.

New Education Policy (NEP) 2020:

  • The new policy strives for 100% GER in school education by 2030 and universalization of education from preschool to secondary level.
  • 2 crore out-of-school youngsters would resume their education under NEP 2020.
  • With 12 years of education and 3 years of Anganwadi/Pre-schooling, the new 5+3+3+4 school curriculum.
  • There is a focus on fundamental literacy and numeracy skills, and there is no strict division between academic, extracurricular, and vocational education in schools. Vocational education will begin in classes six and seven with internships.
  • Mother tongue or regional language should be used for instruction up to at least Grade 5.
  • Assessment changes that measure student progress towards reaching learning outcomes using a 360-degree holistic progress card.
  • By 2035, the GER in higher education is expected to increase to 50% and 3.5 crore seats would be added.
  • Curriculum in higher education should be flexible in terms of subjects.