Daily News Analysis

The Biological Diversity (Amendment) Bill 2021

News: The controversial Biological Diversity (Amendment) Bill 2021 was approved by the Lok Sabha.

The variety of life forms that exist on the earth is referred to as biodiversity. Bill to Modify Biological Diversity, 2021:

  • The Bill alters the categorization of organizations and activities that call for notification and adds exceptions in a few situations.
  • According to the Bill, approval will be necessary before the IPR is actually granted, not while the application is being processed.
  • It aims to exclude individuals from notifying State biodiversity boards in advance when utilizing biological resources for specific reasons, including registered AYUSH medical practitioners and those who have access to codified traditional knowledge.
  • The Bill exempts research, bio-surveys, and bio-utilization from benefit sharing requirements. On the other side, the Bill decriminalizes these violations and replaces them with fines that range from one lakh to fifty lakh rupees.


Gulf Stream : Could Collapse

News: According to a new research, the Gulf Stream system may disintegrate as early as 2025.


A quick and warm water stream known as the Gulf Stream travels across the Atlantic water from North America to Europe. Warm waters from the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico combine to make it, and it starts in the Gulf of Mexico. After there, it moves northward along the American east coast.

It travels over the western North Atlantic Ocean in a north-easterly direction. Higher latitudes receive warm water from the tropics (about 25 to 28°C or 77 to 82°F). The Gulf Stream can run at a maximum speed of roughly 2.5 meters per second and has a width of several hundred kilometers.

However, the pace can change based on the environment and other elements. Additionally, the stream is incredibly deep, reaching up to 1,000 meters.

UK-India Young Professionals Scheme:

News: The Young Professional Scheme’s second round of voting for Indian citizens has now been opened, according to recent announcements from the British government.

The Young Professionals Scheme was created as a result of an agreement between India and the United Kingdom on migration and mobility, which was signed in May 2021. It was unveiled in November during the G20 meeting in Bali.

It will allow up to 3,000 degree-holding people who are between the ages of 18 and 30 to reside and work in each other’s nations for a period of two years. India is the first nation with a visa system to profit from this scheme.

It permits Indian nationals between the ages of 18 and 30 to reside and work in the UK for a maximum of two years. Candidates will be free to enter the UK whenever they want while their visa is still in effect and leave and return whenever they want while they’re there.

Before submitting an application for a Young Professionals Scheme visa, a candidate must be chosen in the India Young Professionals Scheme poll.

You must be an Indian national between the ages of 18 and 30 in order to qualify for the India Young Professionals Scheme visa. There cannot be any minor children living with you or receiving financial support from you.

Conjunctivitis : Multiple Cases

News: The National Capital Region is experiencing an increase in conjunctivitis cases due to recent heavy rains in Delhi and the surrounding areas.

Pink eye, also referred to as conjunctivitis, is an infection or inflammation of the clear membrane that protects the eyelid and the eyeball. We refer to this membrane as the conjunctiva. Small blood vessels in the conjunctiva are more obvious when they are inflamed and swollen.

The crimson or pink color of the eye whites is due to this. It may be brought on by bacteria, viruses, or allergies. While allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious, bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are both quite contagious.

Usually, it happens as a result of direct or indirect interaction. Droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze or hand-to-eye contact are the two main methods of direct transmission. It can spread inadvertently through the sharing of personal objects like towels, cosmetics, pillows, or contact lenses.

Redness, swelling, and itching in the eyes are the most typical symptoms. The flu’s early stages might also cause watery eyes. Conjunctivitis must be treated with a combination of medications. Using artificial tears or any other lubricating eye drops to help the sick person keep moisture in their eyes is one of the most effective therapies.

Scrub typhus:

News: The Kalath and District Court wards of the Alappuzha municipality have reported new instances of scrub typhus, prompting the Kerala Health department to issue an alarm.

A serious concern to public health in South and Southeast Asia is scrub typhus, a potentially fatal sickness brought on by the Orientia tsutsugamushi bacteria. People become infected when infected chiggers (larval mites) bite them.

Fever, headache, bodily aches, and occasionally a rash are the most typical signs of scrub typhus. Doxycycline should be used as a treatment for scrub typhus.

Anyone of any age can use doxycycline. For this illness, there is no vaccination at this time. It won’t pass from one individual to another. With at least 25% of the illness burden, India is one of the hotspots.

A category of bacterial illnesses known as typhus fevers include epidemic typhus, scrub typhus, and murine typhus. Rickettsia prowazeki is the cause of epidemic typhus, which is transmitted to people when they come into touch with infected body lice. Scrub typhus is caused by the chigger-transmitted Orientia tsutsugamushi.

Rickettsia typhi, which is transmitted by fleas, is the cause of murine typhus. Around the world, it occurs in tropical and subtropical regions.