Daily News Analysis.

Quit India Movement Day 2023 (GS-2)

News: August 8 is designated as Quit India Day each year to honor the occasion. The event’s 81st anniversary is this year.

On August 8, 1942, in Gowalia Tank Maidan, also known as August Kranti Maidan in Bombay, Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress began a large civil disobedience effort known as the Quit India effort, often referred to as the August Movement or Bharat Chodo Andolan.

Gandhi delivered the infamous “Do or Die” address on this day in 1942, August 8, imploring the Indian populace to act forcefully and nonviolently against British authority.

Although the movement had been brewing, the Cripps experiment’s failure brought everything to a climax. Gandhi came to see that freedom would only be achieved if Indians battled tenaciously for it after the Cripps Mission’s failure.

The movement strove for complete independence from British colonial rule in India. Across the nation, there were several rallies, strikes, and acts of civil disobedience during the movement. People took part in protests, marches, and other nonviolent acts of opposition. In the Quit India Movement, women were incredibly courageous and strong leaders.

Reasons of Quit India Movement:

Failure of the Cripps Mission-

The failure of the Cripps Mission was the direct cause of the movement:

The mission was dispatched by Stafford Cripps to address the Indian issue of a new constitution and self-government. It failed because along with the split, it granted India some freedom but not full independence.

Indian involvement in World War II without previous consultation: The Indian National Congress did not appreciate the British presumption that India would unconditionally assist the British in World War II.

Anti-British feeling is common: The masses of Indians were increasingly demanding full independence and harboring anti-British sentiments.

All India Kisan Sabha, Forward Bloc: and other affiliated organizations of the Congress, which were leading the mass movements over the previous two decades and conducting them with a much more radical tone, had laid the groundwork for the movement.

Shortage of Essential Commodities: World War II had a devastating effect on the economy as well.

Raisina Dialogue : Global Level Think Tank (GS-3)

News: The Raisina Dialogue is currently one of the most important global level think tank gatherings in the world, the Foreign Secretary recently told a Parliamentary committee.

India’s flagship geopolitical and geo-economics forum, Raisina Dialogue, is dedicated to tackling the most difficult problems that the world community is currently confronting. It is modelled after the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore and the Munich Security Conference. Since 2016, it has been hosted yearly in New Delhi.

Heads of state, cabinet ministers, and representatives of local governments participate in the Dialogue as a multi-stakeholder, cross-sector conversation with thought leaders from the private sector, the media, and academia. It is put on by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in collaboration with the Indian government’s Ministry of External Affairs.

The Observer Research Foundation (ORF), a nonpartisan, independent think tank, was founded in 1990 and carries out policy research on India’s sustainable economic growth, foreign policy, and good governance. The work of ORF covers a wide range of subjects, including as energy, media and cyber concerns, economic development, and national security.

It offers non-partisan, objective, well-researched assessments and contributions to a variety of decision-makers in international governments, corporate communities, academic institutions, and civil society. It aims to guide and support policy-thinking towards creating a powerful and affluent India in a just and equitable global environment.

Observer Research Foundation (ORF):

In 1990, ORF set off on its journey at a time when ideation and practicality were coexisting. There was a need for an impartial forum that could critically assess the issues facing the nation and aid in the development of cogent policy responses during the period of India’s transition to a new engagement with the global economic order. Leading Indian economists and politicians were thus brought together to join ORF and propose the plan for India’s economic reforms for the first time.

Maya Operating System (GS-2)

News: Recently, the Defence Ministry made the decision to switch from Microsoft to a regional operating system called Maya.

A new operating system (OS) built on open-source technology is called Maya OS. Users will not notice many differences while switching from Windows because it has the same interface and functionality. Within six months, government development organizations created Maya. The objective is to stop virus attacks and other cyberattacks, which have sharply increased.

Maya isn’t yet installed on any computers connected to the networks of the three Services; instead, it is solely used in Defence Ministry systems. An operating system (OS) is a piece of software that stands between computer hardware and computer users. It handles a computer system’s hardware and software resources and offers a user-friendly interface.

An operating system essentially makes it possible for a user to communicate with a computer and run programmes effectively. An OS controls all of the other application programmes in a computer after being originally loaded by a boot programme.

Ministry of Defence:

India’s defence, in its entirety, is the responsibility of the Indian government. The President has full authority over the armed forces. The Cabinet is in charge of overseeing national defence.

This is done through the Ministry of Defence, which gives the Armed Forces the resources and the policy framework they need to carry out their duties in the context of national defence. The Ministry of Defence is led by the Raksha Mantri, or Defence Minister.

In order for the Services Headquarters, Inter-Services Organisations, Production Establishments, and Research and Development Organisations to implement the policy directives of the Government on all defence and security-related matters, the Defence Ministry must first obtain them.

Additionally, it is necessary to ensure that the government’s policy directives are carried out effectively and that approved plans are carried out within the available budgetary constraints. Department of Defence (DOD), Department of Defence Production (DDP), Department of Defence Research & Development (DDR&D), Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, and Finance Division make up the Ministry of Defence.

North East Venture Fund (GS-3)

News: The North East Venture Fund was discussed in Lok Sabha by the Union Minister for the Ministry of Development of the North Eastern Region.

In accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India’s (SEBI) Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) Regulations, 2012, North East Venture Fund is registered as a Category I venture capital fund. The investment decision is made by an independent committee (Investment Committee) made up of seasoned experts from the fields of venture capital, private equity, developmental banking, etc.

Periodic reporting on the operation/compliances of regulations is presented to the contributors of NEVF and other concerned bodies in an organized way as a regulatory requirement. Additionally, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) both conduct periodic audits to check on the operation of funds. A goal corpus of Rs. 100 crore was set when it was founded as a closed-end fund.

The North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd. (NEDFi), the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), and the Ministry of Development of the North Eastern Region (MDoNER) each contributed Rs. 30 crore, Rs. 25, and Rs. 45 crore respectively towards the goal corpus. The MDoNER contribution, however, was handed to NEDFi as an interest-free loan that must be repaid in full after 15 years in one large sum.

Eastern North Council:

NEDFI is the North East Development Finance Institution. NERAMAC is short for North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation. The Limited Sikkim Mining Corporation. Shillong’s NEHHDC, or North Eastern Handloom and Handcrafts Development Corporation.

In the North Eastern Region, the Central Government has partially or entirely funded road construction. Transportation Planning for the North Eastern Region Using Inland Waterways and Roads.


News: After the military junta in Niger disregarded their deadline to restore the country’s expelled president, members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will convene to determine their next course of action.

The Lagos Treaty was signed in 1975 and created the regional organization known as ECOWAS for the West African nation.  The goal is to establish a single common currency and a single, substantial trading bloc in the sectors of industry, transportation, telecommunications, energy, financial issues, and social and cultural issues.

Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and Togo are members of the organization. Within this territory, there are about 400 million people. These nations are linked geographically and culturally, and they also have a common economic interest.

Headquarters: Nigeria’s Abuja.

Beyond the objectives of economic cooperation, ECOWAS has made an effort to end regional armed crises. In the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s, Nigeria served as the commander of ECOMOG, a regional peacekeeping mission run by ECOWAS.


The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) established the Monitoring Group of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOMOG), a multinational armed force in West Africa. A formal agreement called ECOMOG was made for several armies to cooperate. ECOWAS members Ghana, Guinea, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Liberia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and others provided sub-battalion level units in addition to the people and equipment of the Nigerian Armed Forces.