Critically examine the aims and objectives of SCO. What importance does it hold for India?

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation. created on 15 June 2001 in Shanghai (China). The founding members are:

  • The Republic of Kazakhstan
  • The People’s Republic of China
  • The Kyrgyz Republic
  • The Russian Federation
  • The Republic of Tajikistan
  • The Republic of Uzbekistan

It was preceded by the Shanghai Five mechanism (1996) formed by the leaders of China. Russia. Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan. and Tajikistan.

The aims and objectives of the SCO included the following:

  • To strengthen the relations between member states, by deepening politics, security and economic cooperation.
  • To strive for joint cooperation between the members to confront threats emanating from terrorism, extremism and separatism.
  • SCO aims to move towards developing a democratic and equitable international political order.
  • To ensure joint efforts in maintaining peace, security and stability in the region.
  • To deepen engagements in the field of trade/commerce, transport. tourism, environment, cultural linkages. education. research and technology.

Criticism of aims and objectives of SCO

  • Divergent conflict: India-Pakistan-Russia-China relations create a complex matrix of diverging and conflicting interests. For example: different interests in Taliban-Afghanistan.
  • Rising conflicts: China has shown little respect to international rule-based order. Cheque-book and If warrior diplomacy. Human rights violations and ‘re-education’ camps. Hong Kong issue etc raise serious questions on Chinese commitments to aims and objectives of SCO.
  • cooperation: Under the disguise of economic co-operation. China has pushed its BRI project through SCO.
  • Supporting Pakistan: Pakistan and China are known to have supported terrorist and separatist organizations raising questions on RATS mechanism. China. Russia (Ukraine issue) and Pakistan are accused of destabilizing regional peace. security and stability.
  • Less development: Limited developmental cooperation between SCO countries during COVID waves shows lack of broad-based engagement.

Importance of SCO for India:

  • Eastern counterbalance: Shanghai cooperation organisation (SCO) is seen as an eastern counterbalance to NATO and India’s membership will allow the country to push effective action in combating terrorism and security issues.
  • Advancement of Indian policies: SCO is a potential platform to advance India’s Central Asia policy. The SCO member states arc India’s extended neighborhood where India has both economic and security imperatives.
  • Communication: SCO can provide a platform to discuss bilateral issues with Pakistan and China.
  • Emerging issues: SCO can play a pivotal role in combating terrorism. extremism and radicalization. For example, Dushanbe declaration, aims towards regional stability.
  • Strategically important: Acknowledging the strategic importance of the region and SCO. the Indian Prime Minister had articulated the foundational dimension of Eurasia as being SECURE’:
  • S for Security of our citizens,
  • E for Economic development for all,
  • C for Connecting the region,
  • U for Unite our people,
  • R for Respect for Sovereignty and Integrity, and
  • E for Environment protection.