Compare and contrast the features of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves.


India is a very diverse country in terms of flora and fauna. Conservation of biodiversity is majorly categorized into on-site and off-site measures. The national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves all come under the on-site(in-situ) conservation. In India there are 104 national parks, 500 wildlife sanctuaries and 18 biosphere reserves.


Differences between national parks, sanctuaries and biosphere reserves:


National parks Wildlife Sancutaries
Reserved for wildlife which use habitats and resources freely They are home to various endangered species
No rights of people such as grazing Certain rights are allowed to tribals but strictly regulated
Few in number More in number
Larger area Can be promoted to national parks


Biosphere reserves:

They may have one or more number of national parks and or sanctuaries. These are largest areas compared to the other two. Along with wildlife and plants the traditional life of the tribals are also protected in biosphere reserves. It will be divided into 3 zones namely:

  • Core area- With no human activity
  • Buffer zone- For Research & Training
  • Transition zone- For human activities and settlements

Benefits of in-situ conservation:

  1. Preservation of diversity
  2. Sustainable use of resources
  3. Creation of reservoir pool which can be introduced in other parts if necessary
  4. Knowledge transfer such as traditions and customs of tribals
  5. Tourism can be developed


With more and more species becoming endangered and in turn extinct, these sites of conservation are important. Regulations should be properly followed so that there is no interference of humans in these areas. Hunting and other illegal activities should be strictly punished.