Cloned Cow-calf

News: Cloned female Gir calves of the desi breed have been created by the National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal.


The first cloned cow-calf in India is a female Gir heifer by the name of Ganga.

Oocytes are removed from live animals using ultrasound-guided needles, and they are then developed for 24 hours under controlled circumstances to clone the Gir.

Genomes from donor cows’ somatic cells are combined with enucleated oocytes produced from OPU. The developed blastocysts are introduced into recipient moms after in-vitro culture and chemical stimulation in order to give birth to the Gir calf.




The word “cloning” refers to a variety of procedures that can be used to create biological copies that are genetically identical to the original.

Cloning may be artificial or spontaneous.

Additionally, clones can be created artificially. Such clones are created using biotechnological techniques.

Molecular cloning, which creates duplicates of particular gene fragments

Cellular cloning, the process by which single-celled organisms are created in cell cultures with the precise genetic makeup of the original cell.

Reproductive cloning of an organism, in which a complex clone is typically made through somatic cell nuclear transfer.