City Nature Challenge

News: The City Nature Challenge, an app-based competition that captures observations of nature, will have participation from over 30 Indian cities.

Participants in this effort can take photos of natural flora and animals using the iNaturalist app, which is accessible for both Apple and Android phones.

The species name is suggested by the programme using artificial intelligence. Members of the community will work together to verify these recommendations.

The picture data automatically extracts the GPS coordinates for the observation.

An observation becomes available to scientists and researchers once it has been verified. They can use this information to study various plant and animal species or calculate the biodiversity in a certain area.

This event will be coordinated by the Bombay Natural History Society, World Wide Fund for Nature-India, and The Naturalist School.

The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco first staged the event in the United States in 2016.