Why in the news?

  • Chaudhary Charan Singh posthumously awarded Bharat Ratna on February 9, 2024.
  • The leader who always championed the cause of farmers

Highlights of Charan Singh’s Role during challenging times:

  • Debt Relief: Introduced Debt Redemption Bill (1939) to alleviate farmers’ debt burden.
  • Credit Availability: Advocated for expanding rural credit infrastructure via NABARD to improve farmers’ access to finance.
  • Rural Infrastructure Development: Emphasized investments in irrigation, electrification, and transportation to boost agricultural productivity and rural connectivity to markets.
About Charan Singh

●    Charan Singh (1902–1987): Indian politician, peasant champion.

●    Elected to United Provinces Assembly in 1937 as Congress representative.

●    Advocated for village economy, fought against exploitation of peasants.

●    Became key Congress leader in Uttar Pradesh post-independence.

●    Played crucial role in implementing zamindari abolition, land ceiling laws..

●    Orchestrated defection of 16 MLAs from Congress, became UP’s first non-Congress CM.

●    Became Prime Minister of India in 1979, known for commitment to democracy, dedication to farmers.

●    Posthumously conferred Bharat Ratna on February 9, 2024.