Central Ground Water Board

Q. Central Ground Water Board has recently released a report with regard to the over-exploitation of groundwater in India. Write a brief note on this report and comment on the same.


Central Ground Water Board has released a report related to present conditions of ground water levels in India. The report states that one-sixth of the available ground water reserves are over-exploited. This is not only due to India but also a problem of Indian sub-continent.


Findings of the study:

  • A total of 6965 units were studied.
  • Signs of improvement can be seen in the Ground water situation
  • Increase in annual recharge of the levels
  • Increase in net extractable ground water

Report compared to 2017 assessment


% in 2017

% in 2021

Saline 1.5



17.2 16
Critical 4.6





Safe 62.6


The above data shows that there is increase in percentage of safe gorund water units and also decrease in the percentages of over-exploited and critical reserves. Over-exploitation is caused when the ground water extraction exceeds the replenishment.

Reasons for crisis:

  • Arid climate
  • Unscientific agricultural practices
  • Improper irrigation
  • Soil erosion


Traditional water harvesting methods like kulhs, bunds will help in replenishing the sources. Over-irrigation should be stopped. Methods like drip and sprinkler irrigation should be used. National Grounwater Management Improvement Programme under Atal Bhujal Yojna is implemented in this regard.