CAG slams DRDO for delays

Why in the News?

Recently, the CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General of India) has released a report, which has flagged time and cost overrun of the Mission Mode (MM) Projects of the DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organization).

  • MM projects are taken up by the DRDO on high priority, based on specific user requirements and with definite timeframes for their completion.
    • These projects depend on technologies that are already available, proven and readily accessible within the DRDO or India, or from abroad at a short notice.

What are the Issues Highlighted by the Report?

  • The whole project management process has been inefficient, which has led to a number of cost overruns, overestimations of project benefits, and delays in the filing of closing reports.
  • Successful projects have experienced production challenges, which defeats the fundamental point of undertaking such undertakings.
  • Despite the fact that MM programmes have a very high degree of outcome assurance since the underlying technology is readily available, the DRDO took a very long time to initiate and sanction such initiatives.
  • The original time schedules could not be followed in 119 out of 178 projects.
  • In 49 instances, the additional time really exceeded 100% of the initial time period. The delays varied from 16 to 500%, and many extensions were requested.
  • 20 out of the 86 projects that were deemed successful between January 2010 and December 2019 had one or more major objective(s) or parameter(s) that were not satisfied.
  • These projects were concluded as successful rather than asking for an extension of time to complete all the major goals and requirements of the project proposal.
  • Additionally, there was a lack of coordination between the DRDO and the Services, which led to differing opinions on the qualitative requirements, deliverables, and user trial results.
  • This affected the overall success rate of the MM Projects.

Who is the CAG?

  • In accordance with the Indian Constitution, the CAG is a separate authority.
  • He serves as both the main Guardian of the Public Fund and the head of the Indian audit and account department.
  • It is the institution that ensures that the government and other public authorities (all those who spend public funds) are accountable to the State Legislatures and Parliament, and via them, to the general public.
  • After leaving office, the Comptroller and Auditor-General will no longer be able to take any additional positions with the Government of India or any State.
  • Article 148 provides for an independent office of the CAG.
    • Other Provisions Related to CAG include: Articles 149-151 (Duties & Powers, Form of Accounts of the Union and the States and Audit Reports), Article 279 (calculation of net proceeds, etc.) and Third Schedule (Oath or Affirmation) and Sixth Schedule (Administration of Tribal Areas in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram).

What is DRDO?

  • About:
    • The Ministry of Defence’s Research and Development (R&D) division, known as DRDO, has the goal of providing India with cutting-edge defence technologies.
    • India’s military might has increased dramatically as a result of its pursuit of self-reliance and successful indigenous development and production of strategic systems and platforms, including the Agni and Prithvi series of missiles, Light Combat Aircraft, Tejas, multi-barrel rocket launcher, Pinaka, air defence system, Akash, a wide range of radars and electronic warfare systems, etc.
  • Various Programmes of DRDO:
    • Integrated Guided-Missile Development Programme (IGMDP):
      • It was one of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s major works to make Indian defence forces self-sufficient in the field of missile technology.
      • The missiles developed under IGMDP are: Prithvi, Agni, Trishul, Akash, Nag.
    • Mobile Autonomous Robot System (MARS):
      • MARS is a smart robust robot to handle land mines and Inert Explosive Devices (IEDs) which helps the Indian Armed Forces to disarm them from far distances despite hostile surroundings.
      • With some add-ons, this system can even be used to dig the ground for the object and defuse the Improvised Explosive Device by various methods.
    • Highest Terrestrial Centre in Ladakh:
      • DRDO’s centre in Ladakh is at 17,600 feet above sea level at Changla near Pangong lake which is intended to serve as a natural cold storage unit for the preservation of natural and medicinal plants.

UPSC Civil Services Examination Previous Year Question (PYQ) Prelims

 Q1. In India, other than ensuring that public funds are used efficiently and for intended purpose, what is the importance of the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)? (2012)

  1. CAG exercises exchequer control on behalf of the Parliament when the President of India declares national emergency/financial emergency
  2. CAG reports on the execution of projects or programmes by the ministries are discussed by the Public Accounts Committee.
  3. Information from CAG reports can be used by investigating agencies to press charges against those who have violated the law while managing public finances.
  4. While dealing with the audit and accounting of government companies, CAG has certain judicial powers for prosecuting those who violate the law.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1, 3 and 4 only

(b) 2 only

(c) 2 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans: (c)



Q1. “The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has a very vital role to play.” Explain how this is reflected in the method and terms of his appointment as well as the range of powers he can exercise. (2018)

Q2. Exercise of CAG’s powers in relation to the accounts of the Union and the States is derived from Article 149 of the Indian Constitution. Discuss whether audit of the Government’s policy implementation could amount to overstepping its own (CAG) jurisdiction. (2016)