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Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) rules notified ahead of Lok Sabha polls; opposition alleges polarisation for political gain.


About Eligibility and Documentation of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) Rules:

  • Individuals belonging to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi, or Christian communities from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan can seek Indian citizenship if they entered before December 31, 2014.
  • No need for a valid passport or visa; any document proving ancestry from these countries suffices.
  • Certificate from a local body member can establish the date of entry into India.
About Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA):

●   CAA 2019 amends illegal immigrant definition.

●   Targets non-Muslim immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh.

●   Fast-tracks citizenship in 5 years (previously 11).

About the Provisions Relating to Citizenship in the Constitution of India:

●   Article 5: Defines the criteria for citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution for those domiciled in India.

●   Article 6: Deals with the rights of citizenship of certain persons who migrated to India from Pakistan.

●   Article 7: Specifies the conditions under which certain migrants to Pakistan and other countries cease to be citizens of India.

●   Article 8: Provides for the rights of citizenship of certain persons of Indian origin residing outside India.

●   Article 9: States that a person shall not be a citizen of India if he or she voluntarily acquires citizenship of any other country.

●   Article 10: Prescribes the continuation of the rights of citizenship for certain migrants to Pakistan.

●   Article 11: Grants the Parliament the power to regulate citizenship matters through law.