Why in the news?

  • India’s infrastructure growth has been primarily driven by public sector investments.
  • Private sector participation remains inadequate despite potential in sectors like roads and water.
  • Challenges include long payback periods, lack of independent regulation, and complex project structuring.

Government steps include PPPs, funding, and infrastructure initiatives:

  • Public-Private Partnership (PPP): Government promotes PPPs in infrastructure.
  • Viability Gap Funding: 20% capital grant for project viability.
  • FDI: 100% FDI allowed in some sectors; others require approval.
  • IIFCL: Provides long-term finance via Special Purpose Vehicles.
  • Infrastructure Debt Funds (IDF): Targets long-term debt for projects.
  • Reducing Bottlenecks: Initiatives like ‘Housing for All’ and ‘Smart Cities.’
  • UDAY Scheme: Improves discoms’ operational and financial parameters.
  • Masala Bonds: Raised capital for infrastructure via NHAI.
  • NIIF: Launched with ₹40,000 crore for infrastructure investment.
  • National Infrastructure Pipeline: ₹102 lakh crore for five years.
About Related Initiatives for India’s infrastructure growth:

Digital Infrastructure:

  • First Phase: JAM Trinity, Digital India program.
  • Second Phase: Expansion of 5G, IoT, AI, quantum computing, and more.
  • Example: Digital India Bhashini for AI-driven language translation.

Social Infrastructure:

  • Sickle Cell Anaemia Mission: Eliminate by 2047.
  • PM Poshan: World’s largest school feeding program.
  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao: Combat declining child sex ratio.

Physical Infrastructure:

  • PM Gati Shakti Scheme: Integrated planning, cost-saving, job creation.
  • Bharatmala Scheme: 5000+ km of highways constructed, bridging economic corridors.