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A new Bill aims to expand the National Disaster Management Authority’s role in disaster response but misses the chance to enhance its institutional status, limiting its effectiveness and resources.


About the Bill Proposes Changes to Disaster Management Act:

  • Amendments to the Act:
    • The Bill seeks to enhance the Disaster Management Act, 2005, by expanding the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)’s role and improving disaster response efficiency.
    • Key proposals include establishing Urban Disaster Management Authorities in large cities, mandating State Disaster Response Forces (SDRFs), and giving legal status to the National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC).
    • NDMA’s role includes creating a national disaster database, setting compensation guidelines, and expanding its disaster risk assessment responsibilities.
  • Unaddressed Issues:
    • The Bill does not address NDMA’s institutional status, financial autonomy, or staffing issues. It remains dependent on the Home Ministry for administrative decisions.
    • The vice-chairperson position, vacant for a decade, will be formalised but lacks full executive authority.
  • Significance and Criticisms:
    • While the amendments aim to improve disaster management, critics argue that the Bill fails to elevate NDMA’s status or provide it with the necessary powers and resources.
About Disaster Management Act, 2005:

  • Institutional Framework: Establishes National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs), and District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs).
  • National Authority: NDMA approves policies, plans, and guidelines for disaster management.
  • Key Bodies: Includes National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), National Disaster Response Fund, and National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM).
  • Objectives: Focuses on prevention, preparedness, resilience, risk assessment, and mitigation.
  • Composition: NDMA chaired by PM, with up to 9 members, including a vice-chairperson.
  • Policy: Aligns with international frameworks, emphasises community-based management, capacity building, and multi-sectoral cooperation.

About National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA):

  • NDMA Formation: Established on September 27, 2006, under the Disaster Management Act, 2005.
  • Leadership: Prime Minister as Chairperson, nine members, including a Vice-Chairperson.
  • Mandate: Coordinates disaster response, builds resilience, and sets policies.
  • Vision: Aims for a safer, resilient India through proactive, technology-driven, and sustainable strategies.