
GS 2:

  • Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.


  • Bhutan is focusing on creating a regional economic hub in Gelephu, bordering Assam, India.
Source:- Hindu


  • Bhutan is focusing on creating a regional economic hub in Gelephu, bordering Assam, India.
  • The initiative, called “Gelephu Mindfulness City” (GMC), aims to spread across 1,000 sq km as a carbon-neutral city with non-polluting industries.
  • Gelephu is envisioned to serve as an investment, health, and wellness hub, drawing comparisons to cities like Neom and Nusantara rather than traditional financial centers.
  • This project aligns with India’s “Act East” connectivity plans and seeks to enhance regional connectivity.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Gelephu’s geography poses natural challenges, including high rainfall and proximity to wildlife corridors.
  • Security concerns stem from insurgencies in neighboring areas and reliance on India for trade and transport infrastructure.
  • The project necessitates significant support from India, given Bhutan’s limited access and geopolitical considerations.

Bhutan’s Motivations

  • Economic diversification beyond hydropower and tourism, with a focus on sustainable development.
  • Addressing youth outmigration and geopolitical pressures, particularly from China.
  • Expanding Gelephu’s airport to international standards, requiring Indian expertise and investment.

Regional Implications for India

  • Strengthening ties with Bhutan amidst concerns over China’s influence in the region.
  • India’s investment in infrastructure projects in Bhutan aligns with broader regional connectivity and energy plans.
  • Potential to recast regional dynamics, supporting South Asian integration and addressing global geopolitical challenges.

Strategic Importance

  • Bhutan acts as a crucial buffer state between India and China, enhancing India’s security.
  • India supports Bhutan with defense, infrastructure, and communication aid, ensuring Bhutan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
  • India contributes to Bhutan’s border infrastructure development, bolstering its defense capabilities.
  • During the 2017 Doklam standoff, Bhutan allowed Indian troops to counter Chinese advancements.

India – Bhutan

Economic Importance

  • India is Bhutan’s primary trading partner and the main destination for its exports.
  • India aids in developing Bhutan’s hydropower sector, a major revenue source for Bhutan.
  • Bhutan benefits from Indian financial assistance for its development initiatives.

Cultural Importance

  • Both nations share deep Buddhist cultural ties.
  • India aids Bhutan in preserving its cultural heritage and is a popular destination for Bhutanese students seeking higher education.

Environmental Importance

  • Bhutan’s commitment to carbon neutrality is supported by India through partnerships in renewable energy, forest conservation, and sustainable tourism initiatives.

Potential Impact

  • While the GMC faces considerable challenges, it represents a significant opportunity for Bhutan and the region.
  • The project aligns with global trends towards sustainable, mindful urban development and could set a precedent for regional cooperation.
  • Success would require overcoming natural, security, and geopolitical hurdles, with India playing a pivotal role.

Key Highlights of the Gelephu Smart City Project

  • Economic Integration: Aims to create an economic corridor connecting South Asia with Southeast Asia, utilizing India’s northeastern states.
  • Environmental and Sustainable Goals: Focuses on environmental standards and sustainability to attract quality investment from internationally screened companies.
  • Industry Focus: Includes zero emission industries and leverages Bhutan’s strengths in tourism and wellness, alongside infrastructure companies.
  • Special Administrative Region: Will operate under unique laws to enhance international investment opportunities.
  • Regional Impact: Seen as a pivotal transformation point for both Bhutan and the broader South Asian region.
  • India-Bhutan Railway Line: The Government of India commits to constructing the first railway line to Gelephu, enhancing connectivity.
  • Expanded Access: The railway will link to roadways and trading points in Assam and West Bengal, opening pathways to Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, and Singapore.

General Information

  • Location: Bhutan is located between India and Tibet, which is an autonomous region of China, making it a landlocked country.
  • Capital: The capital city of Bhutan is Thimphu.
  • Democracy: Bhutan transitioned to a democracy in 2008, following its first democratic elections. The King of Bhutan serves as the Head of State.


  • Main Rivers: The primary rivers in Bhutan, flowing from west to east, include the Torsa (Amo), Wong (Raidak), Sankosh (Mo), and Manas.
  • Flow Direction: All these rivers flow southward from the Great Himalayas, eventually joining the Brahmaputra River in India.
  • Longest River: The Manas River is recognized as Bhutan’s longest river, marking a transboundary flow between southern Bhutan and India.


  • Type of Government: Bhutan operates as a Constitutional Monarchy, blending traditional monarchical elements with democratic principles.


The Hindu

Mains Practice Question:

“Assess the strategic significance of Bhutan’s Gelephu initiative for India and the broader South Asian region. Discuss the potential challenges and opportunities it presents, considering geopolitical, economic, and environmental factors.”