Auroras : Rare Phenomenon Captured

News: An unusual occurrence was documented by the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) atop Mount Saraswati as a geomagnetic storm disrupted the magnetic field of the planet and produced distinctive auroras.

In portions of Alaska, Norway, and other nations, the auroras are typically seen at higher elevations.

The Indian Astronomical Observatory managed to photograph the aurora for the first time in India.

The fascinating phenomena, which is brought on by an interaction between the plasma particles blasted by the Sun and the Earth’s magnetic field, was photographed by the 360-degree camera atop the IAO in Ladakh Hanle.

When the sun’s corona releases charged particles into the solar wind, an aurora is formed. The aurora is created when that wind collides with the ionosphere of Earth.

The phenomenon is known as the northern lights (aurora borealis) in the Northern Hemisphere and the southern lights (aurora australis) in the Southern Hemisphere.

The aurora’s hemispheric asymmetry is partly caused by interference between the magnetic fields of the sun and Earth.