Aqua Farming

Nature is God’s most beautiful creation. It felicitates the growth, development, and nourishment of all its creatures. As Universal Group of Institutions provides ecosystem education to enable the students to enhance their intellectual, social, personal, and emotional growth. Under this campaign, we have started aquafarming.

Aquafarming, also known as aquaculture, is the farming of aquatic organisms, such as fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and plants. Aquafarming can occur in both marine and freshwater environments. There are numerous aquafarming methods, but most follow the same basic production chain. Here the fish are kept in tanks on land. Ensuring that the fish have continuously filtered and oxygenated water is especially important in these systems. The fish are spawned, hatched, and cared for until they are large enough to move to the next stage; the farm. The fish remain on the farm where they are fed by food produced at farm mills (another stage of the production chain). This method is sometimes referred to as ‘cage cultures’. These enclosed cages need to be carefully monitored to ensure that they do not harm the surrounding ecosystems. Marine shellfish can be ‘seeded’ on the seafloor, grown in bottom cages, or grown in floating cages.