Anti Ragging Awareness Programme

Anti Ragging Cell of Universal Group of Institutions had conducted the ANTI RAGGING AWARENESS PROGRAMME on 26th October 2021 with Police Inspector of Chickpet Traffic Police Station Dr. Anilkumar P Grampurohit as key speaker of the orientation.

The program commenced with the invocation song by Anchal and the guests were welcomed by Shravya.K. The speaker was formally greeted and welcomed by the Director of the Institution Retd. Major Monappa, and the Principal of Universal School of Law Shri Vishwas Puttaswamy.

Dr.Anilkumar P Grampurohit in his address to the students spoke about the origin and menace of Ragging in India and the different spheres to it. He also explained the legal consequences of involvement in such activities. He also reiterated that anyone who is actively or passively, or is a part of a conspiracy to promote ragging, is liable to be punished. Moreover, he also briefed the students about the traffic regulations, their legal and health consequences if failed to adhere to them.

The Director of the Institution also addressed the students and briefed them about the different strategies and action plan for curbing the menace of Ragging in the college by adopting various measures and activities.

The Students took the pledge not to involve themselves in ragging of any form and also to make the Institution Ragging free. The pledge was administered by Srujaan K.

The program witnessed a cultural event by Panchami and the team acted out a mime to portray the seriousness of Ragging and its consequences among the students. The theme of the mime was to join hands together and to put an end to this evil. The program was concluded with a vote of thanks, delivered by Manogna.

The program was hosted by Shanil Yakoob and organized by the Anti- Ragging Cell members, co-ordinated by Kavya Shetty (Asst. Professor- Dept. Of Commerce) and Athira P (Asst. professor- Dept. of English).