An economic corridor, the Israel link and the geopolitics


  • GS Paper 2: Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and agreements involving India.
  • Tags: #DelhiDeclaration #G-20summit #India-MiddleEast-EuropeEconomicCorridor #Economic Corridor.

Why in the news?

  • A historic shift in Saudi policy and key global developments raise prospects for peace; Israel’s absence at the 2023 G-20 Summit draws attention.

 Key Outcomes 

  • Inclusion of the African Union.
  • Clean Energy Initiative.
  • Substantial Aid for Asia-Africa.
  • Economic Corridor Announcement.
  • The Delhi Declaration.

What is the Delhi Declaration?

  • The Delhi Declaration is a joint statement issued during the 2023 G-20 Summit held under India’s presidency.
  • It serves as a summaryof the key agreements, commitments, and principles that member nations of the G-20, a group of major economies, endorse during the summit.
  • The declaration typicallyaddresses various global challenges, including economic issues, climate change, geopolitical concerns, and social development.

Delhi Declaration – a diplomatic triumph


  • It is notable because it manages to garner the agreement of major world leaders, even in the context of international power struggles.
  • Despite the absence ofChina’s President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the summit, India succeeded in obtaining their agreement for the declaration.

Unity Amidst Differences

  • The declaration manages to bring together countries with differing perspectives and interests. It is often challenging to find common ground on complex issues such as territorial disputes or geopolitical conflicts, but the Delhi Declaration demonstrates that the G-20 member nations can set aside differences to agree on a common agenda. This unity is seen as a diplomatic success in a world marked by division and discord.

Balancing Act 

  • The Delhi Declarationachieves a compromise between addressing international challenges and avoiding single-outing certain countries for their deeds. In this instance, it refrains from criticizing Russia specifically for its aggression against Ukraine while highlighting the value of respecting the United Nations charter and the concepts of territorial sovereignty.
  • Each member can discover a component of the declaration that fits with their interests thanks to this balanced approach,which contributes to the declaration’s success.

 Diplomatic Skill

  • The Delhi Declaration was drafted by Indian diplomats and politicians using successful diplomatic techniques. They made sure that all of the participating countries could claim victory by writing a text that takes into account the interests of each member.
  • This diplomatic talent for negotiation and reaching agreements is seen as a victory for India’s leadership.

What is IMEC?

  • A key commerce and transport corridor connecting India with the Middle East and Europe is what the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor is trying to build.
  • It was created by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)that was signed on September 10 in New Delhi by the leaders of India, the US, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Italy, and the EU.
  • To facilitate the movement of products and services between India, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, and the European Union (EU), IMEC anticipates the creation of a dependable and affordable transport network, comprising railways and ship-to-rail transit.
  • It seeks to offer an alternative route for trade between Asia and Europe, reducing transit times and logistics costs compared to existing maritime routes like the Suez Canal.

 Significance of the initiative

  • Geopolitical Significance:The creation of the corridor is regarded as a pivotal development in the geopolitics of the area. It obviously contradicts China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a crucial factor in the rise of Chinese influence worldwide. It diversifies the region’s governments’ strategic options and may lessen their reliance on the BRI by providing an alternate route and infrastructure.
  • Economic Gains:Trade and economic relations between India and Europe, two important economic regions, could increase greatly as a result of the corridor. It is anticipated that it will promote economic expansion, open up investment opportunities, and increase prosperity along the corridor.
  • Increased Connectivity:The project improves regional ties on both an economic and a cultural level. Increased connectivity can promote peace and cooperation amongst participating nations.
  • India’s diplomatic power and the value of its strategic alliances in the region are highlighted by its success in gaining the participation of Middle Eastern nations, including Israel.
  • Global Recognition:The declaration made by the corridor was applauded by world leaders, including American President Joe Biden. This acknowledgment underlines its potential to have a significant impact on the geopolitical and economic landscape of the world.
  • Regional Growth:The corridor has the potential to spur regional growth. It might promote spending on industries, technology, and infrastructure along the route, resulting in the creation of jobs and raising local residents’ standards of living.
  • Security Issues:The stability and cooperation of the region are crucial for the corridor’s development. It might encourage Middle Eastern nations to move towards diplomatic rapprochement and conflict settlement, including Saudi Arabia and Israel. The region must be made peaceful if the corridor is to be realized.

Israel’s Absence from the G-20 and Possible Factors

  • Israel’s absence from the G-20 meeting in 2023 raises concerns about its motivations given that it is a participant in the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor initiative.
  • Normalization of Diplomacy:It’s possible that Israel and Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic relations improved. The construction of the economic corridor may have been related to diplomatic efforts to normalize relations, delaying the public’s acceptance of Israel’s participation until full normalization was achieved.
  • Avoiding Domestic Politics:It’s possible that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu avoided domestic politics by refusing to formally endorse Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s plan for the economic corridor. Given his internal political circumstances, Netanyahu may have wished to avoid coming out as overly eager for diplomatic successes.
  • Preferences of the US administration: Given that the US administration avoided Netanyahu for eight months owing to internal politics, it is possible that US preferences or worries affected Israel’s participation in the summit.
  • Regional Sensitivities: The host’s choice of attendees for the summit may have been affected by the complexity of the Middle East and the sensitive issues regarding Israel’s relations with Middle Eastern nations.

Way Forward

  • Saudi Arabia’s Diplomatic Shift: Saudi Arabia’s decision to end its diplomatic boycott of Israel signifies a historic opportunity for progress in the Middle East. This shift should be leveraged to promote peace and stability in the region.
  • Influencing Other Nations:Saudi Arabia’s acceptance of Israel could serve as a positive example for other Muslim-majority nations. Efforts should be made to encourage countries like Pakistan, Indonesia, and Malaysia to engage in diplomatic relations with Israel, fostering broader regional cooperation.
  • Conditional Diplomacy: Recognizing the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, diplomatic efforts should continue with a commitment to the two-state solution and the well-being of the Palestinian people as key conditions for acceptance. This approach acknowledges the need for a just and lasting resolution.
  • Promoting Negotiations:The Peace Day Effort initiated by Saudi Arabia, supported by the Arab League and the European Union, offers a path to incentivize Israeli and Palestinian leaders to come to the negotiating table. International stakeholders should continue to support and facilitate these efforts.
  • Addressing Extremism:While pursuing diplomacy, it is crucial to address extremism on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Counteracting extremism and promoting dialogue and reconciliation are essential components of any sustainable peace process.


 The G-20 meeting in 2023, which India presided over, served as a showcase for India’s leadership in tackling global concerns. The Middle East’s peace process and the path to diplomatic normalization may have had something to do with Israel’s absence, which sparked concerns. The world waits in anticipation as India continues to spearhead international cooperation.

Source: The Hindu

Mains Question

 “The India-Middle East–Europe Corridor (IMEC) has incredible potential to integrate India, West Asia, and Europe on a collective path to growth at an unprecedented scale.” Discuss.