Why in the news?

  • Allahabad High Court reserves its verdict on the maintainability of suits related to the Krishna Janmabhoomi-Shahi Idgah dispute in Mathura, filed by the management committee of Shahi Idgah Masjid and Hindu petitioners.
  • Arguments presented on the application of Waqf Act and Places of Worship Act, 1991, for the dispute, with a decision expected in July after lengthy hearings since February.

About the Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi-Shahi Idgah Masjid Dispute:

  • Early Construction: Raja Veer Singh Bundela built a temple in 1618 on the disputed land, which later saw the construction of a mosque by Aurangzeb in 1670, replacing the temple.
  • Land Ownership History: The land was initially Nazul land owned by the Marathas and later by the British.
  • Ownership Changes: The land, initially nazul land, was acquired by the Raja of Benaras in 1815 and later placed under the Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi Trust in 1951, with a condition against its sale or pledge.
About Places of Worship Act, 1991:

  • Purpose: Enacted to freeze the status of religious places of worship as of August 15, 1947, and preserve their religious character.
  • Prohibition of Conversion (Section 3): Prevents conversion of a place of worship from one religious denomination to another or within the same denomination.
  • Exceptions (Section 5): Excludes ancient monuments, archaeological sites, resolved disputes, and conversions before the Act’s enforcement.

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