News: The African Chiefs Conference will take place on March 28 in Pune, while the Indian Army will host the second iteration of the Africa-India field training exercise (AFINDEX-23) from March 21 to 30.


In March 2019, Pune hosted the inaugural Africa-India Field Training Exercise. 20 African countries took part in it.

The inaugural India-Africa Defence Ministers Conclave took place in Lucknow in conjunction with DEFEXPO 2020.

Four phases make up the exercise, during which trainers would receive their initial training. A phase of humanitarian mine action and peacekeeping operations would come next.

The exercise makes use of as much locally produced equipment as possible, and newer equipment created in India will also be on display.

Goal: To keep expanding on efforts made to improve India-African relations, with an emphasis on boosting peace and security and generating chances for idea and perspective exchange.

Learning from African experiences in cooperative security, handling security emergencies and conflicts, and supporting a cooperative strategy for building the capabilities of African militaries are all important.