Why in the news?

  • Researchers have conducted a groundbreaking study on the prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) of Pu-240, using neutron energies exceeding 0.85 MeV.
  • This marks a significant departure from previous studies and has profound implications for nuclear technology and applications.
 Source: IASP

Findings of the Research:

  • Researchers at LANSCE used high-energy neutrons to study PFNS in Pu-240, revealing unexpected second-chance fission rates and energy threshold nuances.
  • Their findings underscore discrepancies in current nuclear data libraries, crucial for accurate modelling and safety in nuclear technologies.

About Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum (PFNS):

  • Definition: PFNS refers to the distribution of neutrons emitted immediately after fission.
  • Characteristics: It varies with the fissile material and its energy. Fast neutrons dominate initially, followed by thermal neutrons.
  • Importance: Essential for understanding nuclear reactions, reactor design, and nuclear weapon physics.
  • Applications: Used in simulations, nuclear research, and developing reactor models for optimal neutron utilization.
About Pu-240

  • Production and Accumulation: Pu-239 converts to Pu-240 in reactors due to neutron capture, accumulating over time. Separating these isotopes is challenging.
  • Characteristics: Pu-240 undergoes spontaneous fission and emits alpha particles, making it unsuitable for weapons-grade plutonium exceeding 7% by weight.
  • Potential Applications: Despite restrictions, there are methods to utilize higher Pu-240 levels for certain nuclear weapon designs.

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