Why in the News?

  • After the successful launch of Aditya L1 , it was successfully placed at L1 Halo Orbit.
Source: NASA 

About L1 Point Significance:

Solar Observation Focus:

  • Aditya-L1 mission aims to study the Sun extensively, observing its atmosphere, corona, and solar eruptions.
  • The goal includes monitoring Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) influencing space weather.

Continuous View and Early Alerts:

  • Positioned 1.5 million km from Earth towards the Sun, Aditya-L1 ensures an uninterrupted line of sight for continuous solar observations.
  • L1’s strategic location allows early warnings of solar eruptions, enabling proactive measures against potential disruptions to space technologies. 

Lagrangian Point L1 Stability:

  • L1 is a Lagrangian point where gravitational forces from Earth and the Sun balance, allowing relative stationarity.
  • Aditya-L1, though in an orbit around L1, ensures stability for consistent and precise solar observations.
About Lagrange Points

Definition: According to NASA , Lagrange Points represent locations in space where objects, once positioned, exhibit a tendency to remain stationary. These points occur when the gravitational forces exerted by two significant masses precisely balance the centripetal force necessary for a smaller object to co-move with them.

·    Five positions in space where gravitational forces of two large bodies, like Earth and Sun, create stable points.

·    Denoted as L1 to L5.

·    L1 commonly used for solar observatories like Aditya L1.

·    L2 used for space telescopes and observatories.

·    L3, L4, and L5, less commonly used, form equilateral triangles with the large bodies, providing stable regions for satellite placement.