Why in the news?

  • ISRO’s Aditya-L1 spacecraft’s instruments, SUIT and VELC, captured significant solar activities including X-class and M-class flares and Coronal Mass Ejections in May 2024.
  • These solar events caused a major geomagnetic storm on May 11, 2024.

Aditya-L1 Mission:

  • First space-based observatory-class Indian solar mission.
  • Distance: 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.
  • Duration to L1 Point: Approximately 125 days.
  • Orbit: Halo orbits around the Lagrangian point 1 (L1) of the Sun-Earth system.
  • Objectives:Study the solar corona, photosphere, chromosphere, and solar wind.
  • Payloads: Various scientific instruments to observe and analyze solar phenomena.
About ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation):

●     Formed from: INCOSPAR (Indian National Committee for Space Research) in 1962.

●     Established: 1969

●     Headquarters: Bengaluru, India.

●     Goal: Advance space technology and utilize it for national development.

●     Launch capability: One of six space agencies with full launch capabilities (including cryogenic engines).

●     Achievements: Launched successful Mars and Moon missions (Mangalyaan, Chandrayaan).

●     Known for its cost-effective space programs.

Associated Article:

●     https://universalinstitutions.com/aditya-l1-mission/

●     https://universalinstitutions.com/aditya-l1-solar-mission/