Absence of Russia and China from the G20 Summit.


  • GS Paper 2 India and its neighborhood, Bilateral Groupings & Agreements, Groupings & Agreements Involving India and/or Affecting India’s Interests, Effect of Policies & Politics of Countries on India’s Interests, India-Russia- China Relations and Way Forward for India.
  • Tags: #upsc #competitiveexams #lookeastpolicy #G20.


Why in the news?

Vladimir Putin of Russia and China’s Xi Jinping will both miss the G20 summit in Delhi. A setback for the Indian PM which can also increase the ongoing border issue between China and India and worsen the situation.

Quote: S. Jaishankar: “We have treated the G20 presidency not as an event but as a national celebration.”

Reasons for the absentee of Russia and China


Hectic schedule of Russian President because of ongoing war

  • Putin’s hectic schedule, which is mostly focused on managing Russia’s ongoing conflict in Ukraine, has been highlighted by the Russian government as an explanation for the President not attending the G20 summit.
  • Russian government confirmed that Sergei Lavrov, the country’s foreign minister, will take his position as Russia’s representative at the G20 Summit.

India’s external affairs minister version

  • According to India’s External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, the non-attendance of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the upcoming G20 conference in New Delhi should not be considered as unusual or connected to India.
  • Jaishankar emphasised that the significance of the occasion should not be diminished by the absence of these leaders. He pointed out that throughout the G20’s history, presidents or prime ministers have chosen not to attend international conferences, and the delegates present appropriately reflect their nation’s position.

Complexities arising due to Russia-Ukraine war

  • Because to its military operations in Ukraine, strong outrage from Western countries resulted in a flurry of sanctions and countersanctions.
  • India has chosen to take a neutral posture in this complicated international environment, neither supporting either the West or Russia. Western powers are not pleased with this strategy.
  • India has abstained from voting in favour of UN resolutions condemning the war in Ukraine and has refrained from joining US-led sanctions against Russia, which continues to be a vital supplier of weapons and affordable energy, while retaining close ties with the US.
  • Since the worldwide Criminal Court issued a warrant for the Russian President arrest in connection with the war, his worldwide travel is under close observation.
  • This has been one of the reasons for the Russian President to skip the G20 event altogether.

Other commitments of Russia

  • Over the next few days, Putin intends to draw attention elsewhere, closer to home. The Eastern Economic Forum, which he is hosting, gets underway in Vladivostok on Sunday. It might serve as the setting for a meeting between him and Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea.


Internal reasons

  • Given his focus on local matters, particularly national security, Associate Professor Alfred Wu of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore suggested that Xi might be reluctant to travel abroad.
  • According to Wu, Xi Jinping is forming his own agenda, with a focus on upholding national security and inviting foreign leaders to China rather than sending him on a trip overseas.

Differences between China and India and G20

  • China has distinguished itself as the only G20 member state to oppose various Indian G20 efforts over the past year thanks to its impeding behavior at G20 summits.
  • Prior to the Summit, China adopted a different position on almost every topic discussed under the G20 umbrella.

For example

  • Initiatives like Mission LiFE, women-led development, and support for Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises have drawn criticism from China. China hindered discussions on climate change during G20 meetings and deliberately chose not to participate in tourism-related discussions in Srinagar;
  • China even objected to the use of the Sanskrit word “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,” which is taken from the Maha Upanishad and serves as the theme for India’s G20 presidency. China’s objection centred on the use of Sanskrit in official G20 texts—a language that is not one of the six official languages recognised by the UN.

Xi Jinping version of east and west divide

  • The Australian National University’s Wen-Ti Sung, a political scientist, said that Xi Jinping’s choice to skip the G20 conference after the BRICS conference may be a visual illustration of his theory of “East rising and West falling.”
  • It might also be interpreted as an expression of support for Russian President Putin, who is also skipping the G20 Summit.
  • Experts in foreign policy have viewed China’s actions as a sign that Beijing has issues with India’s leadership within the Global South, emphasizing the obstacles in establishing diplomatic connections within the G20 framework.

Disputed borders

  • The disputed boundary between China and India has caused tensions to rise. Just over three years ago, this conflict broke out, leading to a deadly struggle in the Ladakh region that resulted in the deaths of 20 Indian soldiers.
  • Since then, it has developed into a protracted standoff in the tough mountainous terrain, with both sides committing considerable military resources.

Illegal Territory Claims by China

  • Arunachal Pradesh, Aksai Chin, Taiwan, and the South China Sea are among the territories over which China recently published a “standard map” asserting territorial claims.
  • India vehemently objected to this action, rejecting China’s claims for the first time.
  • The publishing of this chart so close to the G20 Summit caused concern, especially given the Prime Minister recent remarks to Xi Jinping during the BRICS Summit about the situation along the Line of Actual Control.

Alliance of USA and India

  • Conflicts have also developed over trade concerns and India’s expanding strategic connections with China’s main competitor, the United States.

Note: Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry, declined to give an official justification for Xi Jinping’s decision to skip the G20 summit. However, the forthcoming summit in Delhi, scheduled for September 9–10, will include Premier Li Qiang representing China.

Way Forward for India

  • India should continue to be dedicated to conversation and engagement with all parties who are relevant, including China and Russia. Concerns can be addressed and bridges can be built in contentious areas through bilateral discussions and diplomatic channels.
  • India’s G20 presidency presents a chance to advance multilateralism and mend fences between member states. India can facilitate conversations and help people come to a consensus on pressing global issues.
  • The ability of India to strike a balance in its relations with powerful nations like the United States, China, and Russia is essential. India may pursue its national objectives while avoiding avoidable wars by maintaining its strategic autonomy.
  • India should play an unbiased and diplomatic role in resolving disputes, notably those involving the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its own border disputes with China. India can promote peaceful resolutions by using its diplomatic abilities.
  • India should keep advocating for the interests of the Global South at international fora. India can increase its influence and promote a more just global order by deepening its alliances with other emerging countries.
  • It is important to manage India’s economic relationships for the long term, especially its trade and energy alliances. Increased commerce and energy diversity can lessen a country’s vulnerability to geopolitical changes.
  • India’s foreign policy should continue to be anchored on its commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development. Collaboration on climate change initiatives can promote goodwill and raise India’s international reputation.
  • In order to adjust to shifting geopolitical factors, India should preserve flexibility in its partnerships. Its interests may be better protected by fortifying connections with like-minded countries in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Successful communication and public diplomacy initiatives can help India develop its reputation as a trustworthy international participant. Its perspective and aims can be communicated by interacting with the international media, think tanks, and civil society.


  • India has a long history of treading carefully in the international arena, but this year provides particularly difficult obstacles since it is situated at the crossroads of intricate global geopolitical and geo-economic fault lines.
  • India remains a member of the Quad Alliance and still buys Russian oil. It is a member of BRICS and finds itself in a military confrontation with China.
  • India’s choices in this complex geopolitical environment will have an impact on both its own development and its standing in the world and hence need of the hour suggest to choose wisely and strategically.
  • In conclusion, India is at a critical juncture in world geopolitics. India can maintain its leadership position and contribute to a more secure and just global order by adopting a balanced, moral, and assertive foreign policy.


Sources: Livemint.

Mains Question

India faces a challenging but pivotal moment in global geopolitics. India can continue to assert its leadership and contribute to a more stable and equitable world order. Critically examine in light to the recent G20 summit held in New Delhi. Analyse the impact on India in respect to the G20 event pass over by the Russian and Chinese top leadership.