Why in the news?

“ABO Blood Group System: Vital for Transfusions and Medical Compatibility in Healthcare and Emergency Situations Worldwide.”


ABO Blood Group Classification System:

  • Antigen and Antibody Presence:
  • Human blood contains red blood cells with surface antigens A and/or B.
  • Corresponding antibodies (anti-A and anti-B) are found in the serum.
  • Interaction between antigens and antibodies determines blood group classification.
About Blood Group Types:

Blood Group Types:

  • Group A: Red cells have antigen A, serum has anti-B.
  • Group B: Red cells have antigen B, serum has anti-A.
  • Group AB: Red cells have both antigens A and B, no corresponding antibodies.
  • Group O: Red cells have neither antigen A nor B, serum has both anti-A and anti-B.

Compatibility and Transfusions:

  • Group A can receive A and O blood.
  • Group B can receive B and O blood.
  • Group AB (universal recipient) can receive blood from all groups.
  • Group O (universal donor) can donate blood to all groups.

Rhesus (Rh) Factor

Rh Classification:

  • Determines if blood is Rh positive or Rh negative.
  • Important for blood transfusion compatibility and pregnancy health.

Medical Applications:

  • Essential for safe blood transfusions and organ transplants.
  • Crucial in prenatal care to prevent Rh incompatibility issues between mother and foetus