Why in the news?

  • Rahul Gandhi, in his first speech as Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, invoked the abhaya mudra to highlight the concept of freedom from fear.
  • Gandhi criticized the current government for fostering a culture of fear, contrasting it with the fearlessness inherent in Hindu religion and Indian civilization.
Source: WordPress

Mudras in Buddhism

  • In Buddhism, mudras are hand gestures used in rituals and depicted in images of Buddhas and bodhisattvas, conveying various meanings and states of realization.
  • The abhaya mudra (gesture of fearlessness) is one of the earliest and most significant mudras, along with the bhumisparsha (Earth-touching), dharmachakra (wheel of dharma), and dhyana (meditation) mudras.

Abhaya Mudra in Hinduism

  • Over time, the abhaya mudra appeared in depictions of Hindu deities such as Lord Shiva, Vishnu, and Ganesha, symbolizing protection and refuge.
  • The Buddha, considered an avatar of Vishnu, is also depicted with the abhaya mudra, merging Buddhist and Hindu iconography.
Understanding Abhay Mudra

The Abhaya Mudra is performed by raising the right hand to shoulder height, palm facing outward. It symbolizes courage, safeguarding, and the removal of negativity.