A talk on Menstrual Health & Hygiene

On 3rd December 2022, Dr. Nayana Kumari S Kadamba, MBBS, MD(OBG), DNB, FAMS; an expert on menstrual health and hygiene who has a whooping experience of 27 years and counting on giving talks on this topic addressed the first semester students of Universal Group of Institutions. The session was organized by the Youth Red Cross Wing and Women Empowerment Cell of Universal School of Administration.

The program was hosted by Arshiya Pathan,1st sem BA. The program commenced with the welcome speech by Dhyan SH, 1st sem B.Com, followed by the introduction to Guest Speaker by Kushi, 1st sem BA.

The guest speaker spoke about the following topics– MENSTRUATUON PROCESS (PRE AND POST, BREAKING THE STEREOTYPES OF MENSTRUATION, MENSTRUAL HYGIENE, ADOLESCENCE PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CHANGES AND SEX EDUCATION). The talk revolved around menstrual health and hygiene with an emphasis on the removal of taboos when it came to conversing about these topics and how a women’s periods can be less stressful and painful when she has a friendly and accepting environment around her. She spoke about menstrual hygiene and laid importance on the menstrual cup- the latest innovation which can replace pads as they are more affordable and accessible. She also emphasized on the taboos associated with menstrual products. She further spoke on how safe sex practices lead to better hygiene and also to ensure that life-threatening diseases are not spread.

The talk was followed by the question and answer session wherein the students went forward and asked their questions to which the guest speaker was requested to clear their doubts for which she gave clear-cut yet simple and comprehensive answers.

Further, the guest was felicitated by the Principal Mr. Vishwas Puttaswamy and the Principal of Competitive Exams Wing Dr. Keshava Neera and the Administrator Mr. J Santhosh Shetty. the session concluded with a vote of thanks, delivered by the Vikas M of 1st sem B.Com which bought end to a fruitful event.