Universal School Of Law Orientation 2022-2023

Universal School of Law had conducted an orientation programme for law students on 19th October with Advocate from High Court of Karnataka; MR. ANIL D’SOUZA as a key speaker of the orientation on topic of “first step as a law student to giant leap as a student of law”.

The programme commenced with the welcome speech delivered by Pandurangan Gireesh. The speaker was formally greeted and welcomed by the Principal of Universal School of Law, Mr. Vishwas Puttaswamy and the Administrator of Universal Group of Institutions, Mr. Santhosh J Shetty.

The objective of this program was to acquaint the law students to the life after University as a law graduate. Mr. Anil D’Souza briefed students about the various career opportunities available to students after they graduate like corporate legal heads, as a good law academician, legal assistance to universities etc. He went into the intricate details of all the various career options available to a law student and gave a first-hand experience of working. He mentioned to start their practice from lower courts.

The orientation session was conducted to lay down the basics and advance mooting skills as well as advocacy skill for law students to make them aware about practicality of the moot court. Some of the important instructions put forward by speaker are as follows – how to introduce ourselves before judges, to address the judges with “MY LORD”,  to stick with the case not to exaggerate about the case, facts to be presented carefully, to self-examine the case documents and to cross-examine the opposition ideas, to deal case with constitutional provisions, to refer the supreme court judgments and refraining from disruptive or disrespectful behavior, dressing appropriately and speaking in a courteous and respectful manner. Moreover, he also briefed about the code of conduct of the courts.

This was followed by the address from the Principal, Mr. Vishwas Puttaswamy; who emphasized the need for arranging such orientation for students, to motivate them to come forward at all times to participate in moot court competitions.

The Administrator and the Principal felicitated Mr.Anil D’Souza. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks, delivered by Akash S.H.

The programme was hosted by S.P Surya Nayaka and organized by Universal School of Law students, coordinated by Manoj Kumar (Asst. Professor of Economics).