What are greenhouse gases? Write the impact of these gases on the environment. Explain the global measures that are being taken to reduce them.


Greenhouse gases absorb and emit the radiant energy in the atmosphere causing greenhouse effect. The presence of greenhouse gases is the main reason for maintaining the earth’s average temperature. The primary greenhouse gases are:

  • Water vapour
  • Carbon di oxide
  • Methane
  • Nitrous oxide
  • Ozone


The distribution of greenhouse gases are as follows:


Greenhouse effect:

Impact on environment:

  • Global warming
  • Melting of glaciers
  • Changes in life cycle of organisms
  • Rising sea levels
  • Changes in climatic pattern (rainfall, storms, droughts)


Various measures are being taken to reduce the effect of greenhouse gases such as usage of alternate sources of energy(cleaner fuels), reducing the emissions from fossil fuels, afforestation, reforestation, prohibition of CFC’s etc. These measures are very much necessary considering the impact of greenhouse effect. Awareness should be increased along with implementing these measures so that there are changes in the individual levels also.