Why in the news?

India’s second nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine ‘INS Arighaat’ was commissioned to further boost India’s strategic strength as well as to improve upon India’s tech progress from its first submarine, that is, INS Arihant.


About Commissioning of INS Arighaat:

  • Event: The second nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine for India, INS Arighaat, was officially commissioned on 29th August at Visakhapatnam with Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh in attendance.
  • Significance: INS Arighaat will add to India’s nuclear triad that will improve India’s nuclear deterrence, strategic parity and enhance its national security. It completed the first nuclear-powered submarine, INS Arihant commissioned two years ago in 2016.

Technological Advancements:

  • Upgrades: INS Arighaat have number of technological enhancements over the earlier version INS Arihant . But Arighaat has all indigenous systems and equipment in the same reactor and the same dimensions.
  • Nuclear Triad: The developments made on the submarine helps to augment the deterrent factor of threats towards India and protect the interests of the country. The nuclear triad was accomplished in the year 2018 to launch INS Arihant’s first deterrence patrol.

Future Developments:

  • Third Submarine: The third and most modernised Submarine is underway under construction, which is supposedly to be more advanced than INS Arihant and INS Arighaat.
  • Missile Capabilities: INS Arihant possesses the K-15 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile and the K-4 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile which under development has a range of 3500 km.
  • The K-4 will improve India’s undersea nuclear deterrence capability in Kilo Class Submarines.
Aspect INS Arighat INS Arihant
Indigenous Development Second Nuclear powerd ballistic missile submarine First indigenously built nuclear submarine
Construction At Ship building centre Visakhapatnam At Ship building centre Visakhapatnam
Propulsion Seven blade propeller  by pressurized water reactor Powered by an 83 MW pressurized ligh water reactor with enriched uranium
Armament K4 SLBMs or 12 K-15 SLBMS Currently Armed with K-15 Sagarika missiles (750 km range)