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The use of drone technology and a digital platform is revitalising the PM-KUSUM solar power scheme, overcoming land issues, and significantly advancing solar installations in Rajasthan.


Digital Platform Revives Solar Power Scheme with Drones:

  • PM-KUSUM Programme: Aims to set up 100 GW of solar power, install4 million solar pumps, and solarise 3.5 million grid-connected pumps on farmland.
  • Current Status: By June, only 256 MW of power plants, 397,000 solar pumps, and 13,500 solarised pumps had been installed. The deadline has been extended to
  • Challenges: Key issues include a shortage of suitable land and difficulties in pooling enough land for solar projects. The programme has faced delays and low adoption rates.

Drone Technology and Digital Platform

  • Digital Platform: Developed in collaboration with the Rajasthan government, this platform uses drone technology to map land parcels for solar power projects.
  • Implementation: The platform facilitates real-time tracking, oversight, and prompt corrective actions. It has already led to the installation of 3 MW in Rajasthan, with a target of 100 MW by 2024.
  • Expansion: Plans to apply the same approach in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh are underway.
About High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (HAPS):

  • Definition: Solar-powered, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flying at 20 km altitude in the stratosphere, providing satellite-like services within Earth’s atmosphere.

Key Benefits:

  • Long Endurance: Operates for months to years.
  • High Altitude: Covers large areas for surveillance and communication.
  • Solar-Powered: Sustains operations with minimal refuelling.
  • Cost-Effective: Offers similar services to satellites at lower costs.


  • Communication Services: Internet connectivity to remote areas.
  • Surveillance and Monitoring: Border security, disaster, and environmental monitoring.
  • Scientific Research: Atmospheric and climate studies.
  • Emergency Response: Support during natural disasters.

Comparison with Satellites and Drones:

  • Altitude: HAPS at 20 km, satellites higher, drones lower.
  • Endurance: HAPS long-term, drones short-term, satellites continuous orbit.
  • Cost: HAPS cheaper than satellites.

India’s Progress:

  • NAL’s HAPS: Tested in 2024 for surveillance and communication.
  • Drone Wingman Project: Integrates HAPS for border monitoring.
  • Disaster Management: HAPS for real-time data and communication.

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