Why in the news?

  • A Madras High Court petition calls for climate change assessments in environmental impact evaluations for large-scale projects in India.
  • The WHO projects an additional 250,000 deaths annually by 2050 due to climate-related issues like malnutrition and heat stress.
  • The direct health costs could reach $2 to $4 billion per year by 2030.
  • Sundarrajan’s petition urges including climate impact assessments in EIAs for large projects.

About Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA):

  • Definition: EIA assesses environmental consequences of projects to inform decision-making.
  • India’s EIA: Enforced since 1994 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986.
  • Process: Involves Screening, Scoping, Public Consultation, and Appraisal.
  • Role of EAC: Recommends project clearance or conditions to MoEFCC.
Key Rules that govern EIA process:

  • EIA Notification 2006: Categorizes projects into Category ‘A’ and ‘B’ based on impact.
  • Draft EIA Notification 2020: Seeks to enhance transparency and streamline compliance by consolidating various directives.

About Environmental Protection Act, 1986:

  • Environmental Protection Act, 1986: Enacted to merge Water and Air Pollution Control Acts.
  • Pollution Control Boards (PCBs): Established to control and abate pollution.
  • Key Notifications: Includes EIA 2006, CRZ 2011, and Hazardous Wastes Rules 2016.
  • Institutions and Processes: Created for approval and compliance under these rules.

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