Why in the news?

  • The Indian government is auctioning properties of former citizens now holding Pakistani and Chinese passports.
  • Uttar Pradesh has the most enemy properties (6,041), followed by West Bengal (4,354).
  • These properties include Butler Palace and Halwasiya market in Lucknow.

About Enemy Property: 

  • Properties left by those who took Pakistani/Chinese citizenship post-partition and 1962 war.
  • Vested with CEPI under the Enemy Property Act 1968.
  • 2017 amendment nullified successors’ claims.
  • 9,406 total enemy properties: 9,280 Pakistani, 126 Chinese.
  • Highest in Uttar Pradesh (4,991), Bengal (2,735), and Delhi (487).
About Enemy Property Act, 1968:

  • Enacted: Post-1965 Indo-Pak war.
  • Purpose: Governs allocation of real estate and movable properties possessed by Pakistani nationals.
  • Custodian: Guardian of Enemy Property for India.

About Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness for Innovation (CEPI):

  • Launch: 2017, to develop vaccines against future epidemics.
  • Founders: Norway, India, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, World Economic Forum.
  • IndCEPI Mission: Implemented by India’s Department of Biotechnology to support rapid vaccine development for epidemic diseases in India.