Why in the news?

  • The Manufacturing PMI for June surged to 60.9, showcasing robust growth in manufacturing and services sectors.
  • Job creation has accelerated to its highest pace in over 18 years, reflecting expanding business activity.

Understanding Purchasing Managers Index (PMI):

  • A survey-based metric gauging changes in key business factors compared to the previous month.
  • Provides current and future business condition insights to decision makers, analysts, and investors.
  • Calculated separately for manufacturing and services, then combined into a composite index.
  • Scores range from 0 to 100; above 50 indicates growth, below indicates contraction.
Source: SIQ
  • A reading at 50 signifies no change.
  • Decline from the previous month’s PMI suggests economic contraction.
  • Typically released monthly, PMI serves as a leading indicator of economic trends.
  • Compiled globally by IHS Markit, a leader in data and analytics for major industries, part of S&P Global.

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