Why in the news?

  • Israel’s top Army spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, stated on 19th June 2024 that Hamas cannot be eradicated, emphasizing that it is an ideological entity rather than a physical one.
  • His remarks sparked a swift response from the Israeli government, which reiterated its commitment to the destruction of the Palestinian militant group.
Source: Medium 


  • Hamas, recognized as a Palestinian militant group, has been a key player in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, advocating for the Palestinian cause through both political and militant means.
  • The Israeli government’s objective of eliminating Hamas reflects longstanding tensions and security concerns in the region.
About Hamas


  • Hamas, short for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya, originated in the late 1980s during the First Intifada, primarily as a resistance movement against Israeli occupation.
  • Nature: It is both a militant and political organization, with its founding rooted in the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • Objective: Hamas aims for the establishment of an Islamic state in historic Palestine, rejecting the existence of Israel and advocating for the rights of Palestinians.

Goals and Ideology:

  • Anti-Israel Stance: Ideologically opposed to Israeli presence in Palestinian territories, Hamas seeks the liberation of Palestinian lands, including East Jerusalem, which it envisions as the capital of a future Palestinian state.
  • Refugee Rights: Advocates for the rights of Palestinian refugees and their descendants, emphasizing the right of return to their ancestral homes.

Control in Gaza:

Power Shift: In 2007, Hamas forcibly took control of the Gaza Strip after intense clashes with Fatah, its rival Palestinian faction.

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