Why in the news?

  • Madhya Pradesh has completed preparations for reintroducing cheetahs at Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary, making it the second home for cheetahs in India after Kuno National Park.
  • Prey animals, including cheetals and guars, have been relocated from various tiger reserves to support the cheetah population at Gandhi Sagar Sanctuary.

About Gandhi Sagar Sanctuary:

  • Location: Northwestern Madhya Pradesh, along the Rajasthan border.
  • Notified: In 1974.
  • Landscape: Open landscapes with sparse vegetation, rocky terrain, and small dense forest patches.
  • River: Chambal divides the sanctuary into two parts.
  • Vegetation: Northern tropical dry deciduous forest, mixed deciduous forest, and dry deciduous scrub.
  • Flora: Khair, Salai, Kardhai, Dhawda, Tendu, Palash are principal tree species.
  • Fauna: Herbivores like Chinkara, Nilgai, Spotted Deer, carnivores like Indian Leopard, Striped Hyena, Jackal, and diverse aquatic life including crocodiles, fish, otters, turtles.
  • Historical sites: Chaurasigarh, Chaturbhujnath temple, Bhadkaji rock paintings, Narsinghjhar Hinglajgarh fort, Taxakeshwar temple.
About Cheetah Reintroduction Project in India:

  • Commenced on September 17, 2022.
  • Objective: Restore cheetah population declared extinct in 1952.
  • Involves translocating cheetahs from South Africa and Namibia to Kuno National Park, Madhya Pradesh.
  • Reintroduction Process: 20 radio-collared cheetahs translocated:12 from South Africa and 8 from Namibia.

About Wildlife Institute of India:

  • Autonomous institution under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
  • Established in 1982.
  • Based in Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
  • Offers training programs, academic courses, and advisory services in wildlife research and management.

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