Why in the news?

The country’s plans for an economic stimulus program funded by India, and the development of the Gelephu Mindfulness City project.


About the News :

Bhutan’s economic challenges, the country’s plans for an economic stimulus program funded by India, and the development of the Gelephu Mindfulness City project is the focus.

Key Points

  • Economic Stimulus Program:
    • Bhutan will use ₹1,500 crore from the ₹10,000 crore promised by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for an Economic Stimulus Program.
    • The program aims to address slow growth, a tourism downturn, and unemployment.
  • Challenges and Growth:
    • Manufacturing has always been small but remains steady.
    • Efforts are focused on reviving tourism to pre-pandemic levels.
    • Infrastructure will receive significant investment from the additional outlay.
  • Gelephu Mindfulness City:
    • Project envisioned by King Jigme Khesar.
    • Attracting global interest and investments, especially from India.
    • Situated on the India-Bhutan border, facilitating economic integration with South and Southeast Asia.
  • Gelephu Airport Development:
    • Indian Airport Authority officials have discussed expansion plans.
    • Airport project is in the design phase, with construction bids to follow.
  • Diplomatic Visits:
    • Bhutanese Prime Minister plans to visit Delhi after Indian elections to congratulate the incoming Prime Minister.