
GS 2:

  • Issues arising out of their Design and Implementation of Policies
  • Bilateral, Regional and Global Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.

GS 3:

  • Taxation and Effects of Liberalization on the Economy,

Why in the News?

  • This article is in the news due to recent amendments to the India-Mauritius tax treaty, aimed at plugging tax loopholes.
  • The changes reflect efforts to combat tax evasion and ensure fair taxation practices in cross-border investments.
Source: TH Business line

Importance of Tax Treaties:

  • Define Taxation Rules: Tax treaties establish the framework for taxing income generated across borders, providing clarity on tax liabilities for multinational entities.
  • Attract Investment: Developing nations often negotiate favourable tax treaties to attract foreign investment by offering incentives and minimizing tax burdens.
  • Balance of Power: Tax treaties reflect the power dynamics between nations, with negotiations influenced by economic and political considerations.
  • Legal Certainty: Clear tax treaty provisions help avoid double taxation and provide legal certainty for businesses operating internationally.

Evolution of Tax Laws:

  • BEPS Program: The Base Erosion and Profit Shifting program aimed to address tax avoidance strategies used by multinational corporations to shift profits to low-tax jurisdictions.
  • OECD Best Practices: The OECD developed best practices to reform international tax laws, focusing on transparency, fair taxation, and preventing tax evasion.
  • Multilateral Instrument (MLI): The MLI allows countries to swiftly implement tax treaty changes to align with BEPS recommendations and prevent treaty abuse.
  • Global Cooperation: International efforts to reform tax laws reflect the need for global cooperation to combat tax evasion and ensure fair taxation practices.

Reforms in Tax Treaties:

  • Treaty Abuse Prevention: The MLI introduced provisions to prevent treaty abuse, including anti-avoidance rules such as the Principal Purpose Test (PPT).
  • Anti-Avoidance Measures: Countries amended tax treaties to incorporate anti-abuse rules, denying treaty benefits in cases of tax avoidance.
  • India-Mauritius Treaty: Amendments to the India-Mauritius tax treaty aimed to address treaty shopping and ensure benefits are not granted for tax avoidance purposes.
  • Impact on Investments: Reforms in tax treaties may impact investment flows, as investors may reconsider investment structures to comply with new tax regulations.

Impact on India-Mauritius Treaty:

  • Restriction of Treaty Benefits: The amended protocol to the India-Mauritius treaty restricts treaty benefits if obtaining them is a principal purpose of the transaction.
  • Financial Flows from Mauritius: The reform targets financial flows from Mauritius, which has been a preferred route for investors to benefit from tax treaty advantages.
  • Composition of FDI Inflows: Changes in the India-Mauritius tax treaty are expected to impact the composition of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into India.
  • Compliance and Enforcement: Tax authorities will enforce the amended treaty provisions to ensure compliance and prevent tax evasion through treaty abuse.
About GAAR Implementation

  • Introduction of GAAR: India introduced the General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR) in 2017 to curb tax evasion and aggressive tax planning strategies.
  • Objective of GAAR: GAAR aims to prevent tax avoidance by assessing the commercial substance of transactions and addressing arrangements lacking economic substance.
  • Application in Treaty Transactions: Concerns arise regarding the application of GAAR in treaty-related transactions, especially with the expansion of the Principal Purpose Test.
  • Balancing Tax Enforcement: Authorities must balance tax enforcement with investor confidence to avoid deterring foreign investment while preventing abusive tax practices.

Global Tax Reform:

  • Shift Towards Minimum Taxation: Global tax reforms focus on establishing minimum tax rates to prevent profit shifting and ensure fair taxation across jurisdictions.
  • Subject to Tax Rule (STTR): Proposals like the STTR aim to tax low-taxed intra-group transactions, discouraging tax avoidance strategies.
  • Impact on Treaty Benefits: Global tax reforms may impact tax treaty benefits, prompting countries to renegotiate treaties to align with new tax regulations.
  • Economic Considerations: As international tax laws evolve, countries must prioritize economic considerations over tax benefits to attract sustainable investment and foster economic growth.


  1. Legal Complexity: Implementing amendments to tax treaties involves navigating legal complexities, including interpreting treaty provisions and addressing potential loopholes.
  2. Enforcement Issues: Tax authorities may face challenges in enforcing amended treaty provisions, especially in cases of cross-border transactions and treaty abuse.
  3. International Cooperation: Ensuring cooperation among nations is crucial for effectively implementing tax treaty reforms and preventing tax evasion through global coordination.
  4. Investor Uncertainty: Changes in tax treaties may create uncertainty for investors regarding their tax obligations and investment structures, potentially impacting investor confidence.
  5. Compliance Burden: Businesses operating across borders may encounter increased compliance burdens due to changes in tax treaty provisions, requiring them to adapt their tax planning strategies.

Way Forward:

  1. Capacity Building: Invest in building the capacity of tax authorities to effectively enforce amended treaty provisions and address emerging tax challenges.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Foster greater collaboration among countries to exchange information, share best practices, and coordinate efforts to combat tax evasion and treaty abuse.
  3. Clear Guidance: Provide clear guidance to taxpayers and businesses on the implications of amended tax treaties, ensuring transparency and facilitating compliance.
  4. Investor Education: Educate investors about changes in tax regulations and the importance of compliance with amended treaty provisions to mitigate risks and uncertainties.
  5. Continuous Review: Continuously review and evaluate the effectiveness of tax treaty reforms, incorporating feedback from stakeholders and making adjustments as needed to address evolving tax challenges.
  6. Promote Stability: Maintain stability and predictability in tax policies to support long-term investment and economic growth, while also addressing tax avoidance and ensuring fair taxation practices.


The amendments to the India-Mauritius treaty mark a significant step in closing tax loopholes and preventing treaty abuse. As international tax laws evolve, countries are prioritizing fair taxation to foster sustainable investment environments.

Source:The Hindu

Main Practice Question:

Discuss the significance of recent amendments to the India-Mauritius tax treaty in the context of global efforts to prevent tax avoidance and promote fair taxation in cross-border investments.

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